Entries by Linus

Philosophy paper

You will write a 1000-1500 word response to your chosen paper topic from the list below. See Course Outline for the due date.  This assignment is worth 300 points, or 30% of your grade.  DO NOT USE ANY SOURCES OTHER THAN THE DALRYMPLE ARTICLE AND YOUR TEXTBOOK. YOU WILL ATTACH A FILE IN THE BOX AT THE BOTTOM […]


Society’s response to crime has changed over the past century. The approach of rehabilitation in the 1960s has gradually been replaced with a “get tough on crime” approach, bringing in mandatory sentencing laws and long prison sentences. Regardless of the approach, crime continues to be a problem, and recidivism for some crimes and some offenders […]

Correct My writing

  I already did write identity paper about myself, and I have attached it.   I need to rewrite it by very good writing style and organize it, and correct all grammar mistakes and unclear sentences.     Should be between (4-5 pages).   It is ok to make many changes, just I want it […]

Book review

You will be expected to complete book reviews during Modules 4 and 8. These assignments are based upon required course readings that proffer contemporary accounts of the lived experience of Confucianism and Islam. The reviews call for you to consider the contemporary expressions of these faiths and to reflect upon their relevance to your own […]

Genuine Experts

Assignment 2: Someone to Respect and Admire There are leaders in every field of study and business around the world. Select a business leader you admire. Use your textbook, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet to select a leader and then to research the leader’s career. Write a paper on your selected […]

Statistics Project, Part 2: Hypothesis Testing and Two-Group t Tests

Now that you have run descriptive statistics with your data, it is time to create a hypothesis and test your hypothesis. This part of the Statistics Project will take you through the process of creating and testing your hypothesis through statistical methods, using Microsoft® Excel®. Creating hypotheses provides you the opportunity to think like a […]


  Complete the training exercises on CapSim. You will be unable to use the simulation correctly without this preparation.. Confirm that you can connect to CapSim’s CapSimCore simulation for the course.  Complete training exercises and tutorial videos as specified below. Beginner training Intermediate training Advanced training Enter and save decisions for your company for each of […]

Need ASAP…Today

If you lost your procedural memory, do you think that you would be able to compensate for that by using your declarative memory to learn tasks and skills? 

mod 6

PLEASE ONLY CITE FROM THE BOOK **CHAPTER 11 & 12**      Berk, L. E. (2014). Exploring Lifespan Development (3rd ed.). Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN-13: 978-0-134-41266-5  Adolescents tend to engage in riskier behaviors than individuals at other stages of development.   1. From your text discussion (make sure to draw in text material) provide an […]