Entries by Linus

Psychology of Trauma – A8

  Assignment                     8         Vignette Analysis II: This  assignment focuses on vignette analysis and direct application of  course concepts to the persons and situations presented in the  vignette.   All discussions must take into account the legal and ethical  considerations, as well as cross-cultural issues that pertain to the  situations presented below. Use  the reading assignments thoroughly in an integrative […]


Assignment 1: Discussion Questions Submit your response to the question to the appropriate Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Through the end of the module, comment on the responses of others. You will be attempting two discussion questions in this module worth 28 points each. Discussion Question 1 Anxiety How much anxiety did you […]


Self Reflection Paper  Students will write a 2-3 page self-reflection paper.  Topic: Effective ways to use motivation and reinforcements to strengthen relationships

A-plus Writer only.

This assignment is to be completed with  A+ original work  and is due by  SUNDAY March 27, 2016 at 5pm (Eastern Standard Time).     Attached is the grading rubric that must be followed for A+ work and the assignment must pass flawlessly through an originality report. Thank you for your great work, as aways!   […]

PSY-100 Week 6 Grief Research Paper

Week 6 Grief Research Paper In 750-1,000 words, provide a research-guided and supportive essay which  addresses the following: Analyze the Five Stages of Grief as explained by Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross.  Identify two specific cultures and how they handle the death of people in their culture. Discuss the impact that cultural differences may have on each […]

Psychology: Sport Motivation

The term paper is to be 6 pages in length (minimum, NOT including title page, abstract, or references, with all text double-spaced and in 12-point Times New Roman font maximum with 1″ margins). You must have a minimum of 5 references for this paper and references must be scholarly references (use library website to find […]

Assignment 2: Application of Research in Human Services

Assignment 2: Application of Research in Human Services In this assignment, you are required to craft a presentation that reviews the human services field for a college freshman. Tasks: Create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation of 20 slides to demonstrate the application of the readings assigned to Module 1 and Module 2. Additionally, create a separate script in a […]

Project: Cultural Differences

  Project: Cultural Differences This course has major project assignments that will be due in weeks 3 and 5. It will take more than a week’s effort to adequately complete them. Plan time to start the research and other work for those assignments earlier than the week in which they are due.    The course project […]