Entries by Merit Writer

Theory Of Human Caring On APN Role

Theory Of Human Caring On APN Role Explore the influence of Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring on your future role as an APN. The student will explore the concepts and caritas processes from the Theory of Human Caring and present how these concepts may impact their future APN role. Directions: The student will create […]

Clinical Logs of Psychiatric Patient.

Four pages of Clinical Logs of Psychiatric Patient. APA 7 Format, Cover page needed. No reference page needed No plagiarism Please follow the instructions on attached samples. Guidelines attached. Answer all questions Three weeks logs One and half page per week and a total of four pages. Indicate Log 1, Log 2, Log 3 Instructions […]

Beneficence and nonmaleficence

Beneficence and nonmaleficence 1st page- Cover page 2nd page- Abstract (include what is the purpose of this project) 3rd page- Answering the following questions: Generally speaking, bioethics helps determine what is responsible by considering four key principles: autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice. The principle of autonomy is about respecting people and their free will. Beneficence and nonmaleficence are two […]

Parse’s Human Becoming Theory

Parse’s Human Becoming Theory Write a 1250-1500 word APA paper addressing each of the following points. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. […]

Common Causes of Constipation

Write three important things that is associated with the various topics. 1). Alzheimer’s Disease: Teaching About Donepezil a. b. c. 2). Bowel Elimination: Common Causes of Constipation a. b. c. 3). Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Developing a Plan of Care a. b. c. 4). Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Priority Action for Dyspnea a. b. c. […]

Interdisciplinary Theory Evaluation

Interdisciplinary Theory Evaluation This Assignment, due in Week 10, asks you to evaluate two middle range or interdisciplinary theories and apply those theories to a clinical practice problem. You will also create a hypothesis based upon each theory for an evidence-based practice project to resolve a clinical problem. Note: This Assigment will serve as your Major Assessment for this […]

health history on a family member

Module 03 Content Conduct a health history on a family member or friend. Be sure they give you permission. Using the interviewing techniques learned in Module 2, gather the following information. Use your textbook as your guide. Present Health Past Health Family History While this is only a partial health history, summarize in 3 -5 […]

Ethical and Legal Considerations for APN Practice

Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing Ethical and Legal Considerations for APN Practice Synthesize the following aspects of the APRN: 1.  Describe the core concepts of ethical considerations that APNs must know to be effective in their healthcare practice. 2.  Demonstrate how those ethical considerations can affect the decision making process. Include examples. 3.  At the […]

Health Information Scenario

Health Information Scenario 1.”Data quality is one of the principles of fair information practice. Identify three ways in which data quality is an ethical consideration. Possible responses include: (a) Poor data quality puts patients at risk of harm because needed data is not available when needed or not” “accurate. (b) Correcting poor data is more […]