Estimating Energy and Protein Needs

Go through slides first to make sure you do the assignment correctly. See powerpoint slides on Blackboard for detail description of each step of this assignment.

Step 1: The Three Day Diet Diary (12 points) – Must submit 3 worksheets (no other format) or you will receive 0 points for entire assignment

Details are important! For your diet analysis assignment you will need to keep track of everything you consume for three days .  There are many methods of collecting dietary information, but the diet diary is the best method.  The information collected is only helpful if you keep accurate data.  You are graded on the detail you provide, not on the quality of your diet, so do not be hesitant in tracking everything you consume. Keep in mind the full assignment is quite lengthy and will not be an accurate picture of your diet unless you carefully keep track.  You must have at least 8 different foods each day (not including beverages). If you eat fewer than 8 different foods, do your analysis on a friend or family member with a more varied diet. You cannot complete the assignment until you have these worksheets done.

Step 2: Compare Your Diet to MyPlate (5 points)

This step of the diet analysis assignment gives you an opportunity to compare your diet to the MyPlate recommendations. MyPlate is a quick and easy way to analyze dietary intake. You will need to use the Choose My Plate website for this section. You need a clear, readable photo or screen shot of your MyPlate plan to submit with the assignment.

Step 3: Estimating Energy and Protein Needs (8 points)

Complete the Energy and Protein Needs Worksheet. There are many ways to estimate energy and protein needs. Use this worksheet to calculate your energy and protein needs using a common equation.

Step 4: Nutrient Reports (8 points) For this section you will use a free APP or website called, Cronometer . You will need to turn in a report after using the app or website, do not have to use the version that asks you to pay in order to complete the assignment. And have 2 options for use. I recommend #2.

1. Download the Free APP.

2. Register online using:

Step 5: Nutrient Source Worksheet (8 points)

For this step you will be identifying the foods in your three-day diet diary that provided specific nutrients.

Step 6: Written Analysis (9 points) Based on all the reports and worksheets you should be able to do a good analysis of your diet. Answer the questions on the Written Analysis Report worksheet and submit. You must submit the worksheet. Other formats will not be accepted.

Submission of Diet Analysis Assignment:

Assignment Checklist:

Three day diet diary – submit 3 Diet Diary Worksheets (Step 1)

MyPlate Plan – screen shot or photo (Step 2)

Completed Energy and Protein Worksheet (Step 3)

Three day average cronometer nutrient report printed from website (Step 4)

Completed Nutrient source worksheet (Step 5)

Written Analysis Report Worksheet (Step 6)



Diet Diary Worksheets (found on next 3 pages)



