Entries by Linus


Traditionally, fathers have been seen as disengaged and mothers enmeshed. What cultural and societal factors can you identify that challenge this traditional perception? How do gender stereotypes and roles impact the family therapy room and theories?  Please explore this question in your responses.

maQueens fingers only

The Social Models Resources • For this assignment, imagine you are a family therapist working in an addictive behavior treatment program. Select one of the case studies to represent your “client,” who is seeking help from your program. You can use one that you used in the previous assignments, or you can choose to use […]

PSY 304 Need ASAP!!

In your substantive essay, •         Discuss what role culture may play in attachment. •         Assess how being from a collectivist vs. an individualist culture makes a difference in infant attachment. •         Explain why or why not.


  To prepare for this discussion, please read Chapter 5 of your textbook (Feenstra, 2013).  In addition, read Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Tversky and Kahneman, 1974).  Finally, review Instructor Guidance and Announcements.  In this discussion, you will consider judgment and decision making.  Be sure to […]

Can this be down in 15 hours?wk96011

Review your Week 8 Assignment. You will use the information that you gained from the interview on what the interviewee wants to accomplish to form a “Client Service Plan.” Review this week’s assigned readings in the Summers text as a guide. For this Assignment Submit a client service plan from the social history data that […]


  By tomorrow 2/26/17, in 250-300 words in APA format and one reference, respond to the follow:     Choose a recent event that involved a very effective leader or one that involved a very poor one. Analyze the leadership in terms of the topics discussed in Chapters 6 and 7 (See attached file)  


Read the abstract, introduction, and conclusions of the article and skim the remainder of it to understand the gist. You are not expected to understand the details of the article; your task is to understand the article’s general thrust, content, and conclusions. Write a brief summary (as detailed below) to document your reading. Be sure […]

Importance of Clinical Interview and DSM Discussion

Discuss the various assessment techniques utilized to make a diagnosis. Be sure to include the importance of the clinical interview and how the assessments lend to diagnosing with the DSM. In addition, evaluate the current DSM (DSM-V) compared to the DSM-IV-TR discussing criticisms and your opinion. Must be at least 500 words..

(ONLY for ResearchPro) part 2 of 2 part paper

The second is the final paper 9 page paper that is  due 4/7/2016. Same APA format. I have attached new items that you dont have . Please let me know if you have any questions.    Below is more instruction from the teacher she just posted. let me know if you need anything As the […]

discussion week2

 In the Bobo Doll Experiment, consider how the research informed Bandura’s theory of observational learning. Post an explanation of how research informs theory development using the experiment as an example. Then, select one of the limitations of the study (listed on the Bobo Doll Experiment website) and briefly explain a study that could address that […]