Entries by Linus


Assignment 6 Now it is time to shift methodological lenses. You will now consider the research problem you identified in activity 1 using a qualitative lens. For this assignment, you should locate five qualitative research studies and create an annotated bibliography. Include the following information in your annotation for each source: Begin with an APA […]

this paper is due by mid nite please add running header with title and page number title in caps and please fellow the rule for this assignment and do it coreect if not i will dispute t right away and if i have to do any of the work i will dispute

Assignment 2: The Case Example In this Module we learned about the three types of multiple murders: Serial, mass or spree  murders. Choose one case of multiple murder (either serial, mass or spree). Research the case online (do not use Wikipedia as anything other than a jumping off point) and write a paper summarizing the […]

What should be in an informed consent for psychotherapy?

   What should be in an informed consent for psychotherapy? Read Fisher; Chapter 6 Standards on Human Relations pp 113-169.     Bersoff; Chapter 5; Multiple Relationships; pp 215-270. The establishment and maintenance of proper boundaries between psychologists and their clients have received much attention by the field. While all theoretical perspectives address professional boundary […]

Homeless Veterans

 Select a social justice issue for which to advocate as the focus of your assignments for this course. Once you identify an issue, develop a well-defined topic related to that issue that is narrow in scope, as a successful advocacy proposal has to be manageable in size. Based on your professional experience and interests, identify […]

week 5 DQ

1st Assignment:   Prior to engaging in this discussion please read the “Multiple Intelligences” article, read “Chapter 1: In a Nutshell” from Multiple Intelligences, watch the Theory of Multiple Intelligences video, and review any relevant Instructor Guidance.  This guidance can be very helpful as it may include strategies that support your preferred learning. Traditionally, someone […]

please answer

  Read your peers’ discussion posts and respond to at least two of them. Provide supportive comments to congratulate your peers for completing the course and encouragement to continue transforming their passions and interests in psychology into a future career in the field.Toggle Drawer  

hw help

Inclusion of students with disabilities into the regular education classroom, is an important component of IDEA. Read arguments regarding inclusion (both pros and cons) from both of the websites listed below and write a response regarding inclusion and whether you believe it is practical or not. Including Students with Disabilities in General Education Classrooms (http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/eric/archived/e521.html […]

how much

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PCN-515 Week 7 Ethics Paper

Week 7 Ethics Paper Write a 500-750-word essay after reading Exercise 7.2 in chapter 7 of the text. By method of evaluation and reflection, hypothesize a counseling session with a client from a different culture, race, and background (gender, disability, or sexual orientation). Describe the client and include an ethical dilemma that you might encounter […]