Temperature-Conversion Program


Temperature-Conversion ProgramDevelop a Python program to

Ask the user whether to https://keenwriter.xyz/computer-systems/im-working-on-a-computer-systems-report-and-need-support-to-help-me-understand/ convert from celsius to fahrenheit or from fahrenheit to celsius
If the user enters celsius to fahrenheit, then
Ask the user to enter a value for celsius
Use the following formula to convert from celsius to fahrenheit:
Fahrenheit = 9.0 / 5.0 x Celsius + 32
Display the entered value for celsius and the calculated value for fahrenheit, along with appropriate messages
See the attached sample program run output to see how data is displayed
If the user enters fahrenheit to celsius , then
Ask the user to enter a value for fahrenheit

Use the following formula to convert from fahrenheit to celsius:
Celsius = (Fahrenheit − 32) x 5.0 / 9.0
Display the entered value for fahrenheit and the calculated value for celsius, along with appropriate messages.
See the attached sample program run output to see how data is displayed.
If neither fahrenheit to celsius nor celsius to fahrenheit is entered, then
Display an error message, such as “Illegal input data was entered.”
NOTE: When setting up the above formulas, ensure to use the right Python operators!

You need to set up a Python solution that is complete and workable.
For your solution to be complete, you must

Prompt the user for the specific input data asked for within the problem statement
Set up a https://paperwriters.xyz/uncategorized/in-this-lab-assignment-you-will-examine-several-visual-representations-of-various-skin-conditions-describe-your-observations/ correct formula to process the input data, arriving at the output data
Provide the output data asked for within the problem statement to the user
For your solution to be workable,

Your solution should be free of any type of errors (syntax, run-time, logic)
You may want to develop an algorithm first, using pseudocode or flowchart
You do NOT need to turn in any algorithm
================================================================================Grading rubric:

You’ll receive full credit, if
your program
compiles and runs with no problems
produces the expected output
You’ll receive partial credit, if
your program
compiles and runs with no problems
produces partial output (that is, incomplete output)
You’ll receive 25% of the points, if your program;

will not compile
compiles but has a run-time problem
produces logic error(s)