Stratford Freshwater Fish & Shortened Menstrual Cycle Length Essay

I’m studying and need help with a Health & Medical question to help me learn.


Lesson 5

Activities may be modified by instructor depending on needs of students. However, projects are consistent across all classes. Online students will find details for activities in Important documents.

Activity 1: Team analysis of Cancer Case Study

Activity 2: Case Study: Eating PCBs from Lake Ontario

Activity 3: Evaluating Data

Project Assignment:

Pull together all the data you have been able to collect on the Plague Epidemic.

Summarize the data and then evaluate it for holes, limitations.

Lesson 6

Activities may be modified by instructor depending on needs of students. However, projects are consistent across all classes. Online students will find details for activities in Important documents.

Activity 1: Case Study: Zombie Attack! An Introduction to Quantitative Modeling

Activity 2: Displaying Data

Activity 3: Zika

Project Assignment:

Determine the risk of the plague. Include measures of association and public health impact.

Display all of your data in graphs, tables, scatter grams – this should include data on risks, mortality, morbidity, frequency, incidence, prevalence, etc.