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Long ago Emotions were given a bad wrap.  Emotions were something to be controlled, minimized, and often demoted to being extremely troublesome to human logic.  In fact, some early philosphers believed humans would be much better off without emotions–which would allow us to be much more rational creature ( FunctionsEmotions_Hockenbury.pdf). However, current research provides us evidence that this perspective isn’t true at all.  In fact, those without the ability to sense emotions (brain injury, etc.) end up making horrible decisions, if they can make decisions at all.  AND emotion is CRITICAL for motivation.  Just watch this video and listen to the story of Michael Riley–without his emotion & logic, many service men would have died!! We depend on emotion to help us appraise a situation.  Watch this video–powerful story of how Emotion is critical to good decisions making!  You may click on the video or copy & paste this link:

Now that we know emotions are critical for good decisions, let’s check the other side. There are indeed times when emotion needs to be controlled–or better yet, we need to somehow learn when to allow the emotion to guide us and when to rely on our cognitive processes/training. You may click on the video or copy & paste this link: INSTRUCTIONS: Think of a decision you have made:
Describe a decision in which emotion HELPED you make a wise choiceApply a motivational theory that would fit the behavior that led to or followed the above decision. List 3 – 5 things that motivate you … describe enough so others can identify the type of motivation. Then read the posts from your peers and identify “the type” of motivational theory or incentive that applies to their examples (at least one of their examples)….use any of the motivation theories in our text or other academic resources to help explain the motives of your peers. Be sure to continue to respond to the posts in your original thread to let your peers know how they did or discuss until you feel comfortable with the final result of the identified motivational theories. Here is a quick link to our discussion: Discussion Topic #5 – Why We Do What We Do (Ch 13 & Ch 9)