Quantitative Data For Occupational Health Therapy

 Quantitative Data For Occupational Health Therapy

Lindstrom, M., Sjostrom, S., and Lindberg, M., 2013. Stories of Rediscovering Agency: Home- Based Occupational Therapy for People With Severe Psychiatric Disability. Qualitative Health Research, 23(6), pp.728-740.


Study Purpose

The purpose of the study was to establish the effectiveness of Home-Based Occupational Therapy interventions under the Everyday Life Rehabilitation (ELR) model as a form of treatment for people with a severe psychiatric disability. The author fails to clearly state the purpose of the guiding research question for the study. Thereby prompting the reader to deduct the purpose of the study from the abstract and introduction. According to Lune and Berg (2011), The purpose of the study should be clearly stated and contain specific elements including the variables of the study. They study setting as well as the target population.

Whereas it is possible to deduct these elements from the article’s introduction, it is apparent that the author fails to meet the threshold for a plausible purpose statement. Comment by Beanlands, Clare: Are you sure this study focused on effectiveness? That would normally require a quantitative approach. Comment by Beanlands, Clare: Try to avoid critique that is perhaps directed towards what the researcher could have done to make it easier for you to critically appraise the article. Comment by Beanlands, Clare: Variables are usually associated with a quantitative approach Comment by Beanlands, Clare: In a journal article it is typical to use the introduction to explain the purpose to the study. So, what you should be evaluating is more about whether the study purpose is clearly explained rather than where it is explained.

 Quantitative Data For Occupational Health Therapy

The importance of the study is presented in the introduction. In this case, the authors note community-based housing facilities are the ideal environment for treating patients with severe psychiatric disabilities. Whereas these environments are optimally designed to help the patients meet their daily needs. Some inherent constraints deprive them of initiative and personal agency towards a meaningful and engaging occupation. Using the intervention measures proposed by the ELR model, it is possible to incentivize agency among the patients.

The importance of the study, therefore, is that it explores the interaction between occupational therapy interventions, transformations premised on home-based care, and agency initiatives from the perspective of the patients. Comment by Beanlands, Clare: Do they say this environment is ideal for treating patients? Ideal implies in cannot be improve upon. Also this is someone’s home first and foremost rather than a venue to receive treatment in. Comment by Beanlands, Clare: In this paragraph you are describing the article rather than critically appraising it.

The study is original in the sense that it focuses on the role of home-based occupational therapy interventions. In preempting the adverse consequences of the treatment process for patients with severe psychiatric disorders. Previous studies have focused on treating the original disorder without regard to the adverse effects of the treatment process. Comment by Beanlands, Clare: What do you mean by the treatment process? I am not sure this is the best term to use. Comment by Beanlands, Clare: This is very medical model and positivist. It does not demonstrate you have fully understood the qualitative paradigm or the article. Comment by Beanlands, Clare: Again this is descriptive. You need to go further than describing which the parts of the article demonstrate importance and originality and use literature to support your discussion.