Preparedness for Internal Disasters at The Security Forces Hospital Riyadh

Preparedness for Internal Disasters at The Security Forces Hospital Riyadh

Write a project about evaluating and developing the preparedness for internal disasters at a Hospital ( will provide the name later).

The writing should be taking step by step, first step should be in a week from NOW, the others drafts will be due frequently in next weeks until the final step that should be (after get the approval from the instructor) in April NOT more than 15th.

Number of pages: should be not more than 35 pages.

the project methods: Survey.

Need to evaluate the preparedness for the internal disaster at the hospital, ARE the staff prepared during disasters?

We should find out the weak points then imrove them by training course or so.

This is a summary description more details later.

NOW just write the first draft

it needs to include the introductory section why this is important, the lit review and a well-developed methods section – how in detail you are going to do the project.

write about 15 to 20 pages