The subject is nursing shortage due to the expansion of the pediatric  program and units:

The strategic goal would be to decrease turnover rates and costs, increase morale, improve patient care outcomes, and higher HCAHPS scores. 

The goal is to promote a healthy workplace and staff satisfaction by decreasing nurse burn out. Staff satisfaction will enhance the focuses on optimal patient care (2018). Optimal patient care will have noted measurable outcomes that will then lead to increased patient satisfaction. Patient satisfaction scores on Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) surveys will increase and put the hospital in a good light in servicing the community (Study: Patient Satisfaction Grows with Nurse Staffing, 2018). A strategy would be to increase the pediatric nursing FTE’s by 7.57 to 35.9. Increasing the FTE’s will allow for staffing adjustments to the matrix and increase acuity, the length of stay, and average daily census. 

Strategic Plan Directions:

Section 3: Developing Goals, Objectives, and Strategies

Write a 2- to 3-page summary of the goals, objectives, and strategies for your strategic plan. In your summary:

  • Identify the goals, objectives, and strategies for your plan.
  • Explain how success in attaining each goal, objective, and strategy will be defined, monitored, and evaluated.
  • Explain how the goals, objectives, and strategies reflect the needs of relevant stakeholders.