Lung and Thorax write-up

Dear Writter this are the intructions for the assigment: • It’s a writte up for a Lung and Thorax video. 

☆All findings are normal. 

This type of objective data only is required for the following videos: • Exam Video, Lung/ Thorax •

☆Patient : TS is a Male 25 yoa, Caucasian, 

 The student should use the Body System Exam rubric as a guide and only document their physical exam findings. (All findings are normal) 

• The student should use medical terminology when documenting the examination findings in the objective section and be specific in documenting each rubric item assessed on video. 

☆This is not a long narrative transcript of the video.

ʉۢ Please use headers and bullet points for organization.

 â€¢ The student should follow APA format with a title page. No references are used in a write-up as this is the student’s own physical examination University Rubric for referance. 

☆Thorax and Lung Examination Video Documentation/ Check list Inspection ·         Assess for chest wall deformity – notes A/Transverse ratio while patient seated or standing (compares ant/posterior to profile) ·        

 Respiratory effort and movement, e.g. retraction, accessory muscles diaphragmatic breathing, respiratory rate (posterior and anterior) · 

Inspects nails for clubbing, lips/fingers, and overall color for cyanosis. ·         

Respiratory excursion – extent, symmetry (ant/posterior)

 Palpation · Respiratory excursion – extent, symmetry (ant/posterior) ·         

Tactile fremitus (anterior and posterior)-99 repeat no vibration. ·         

Costal chondral tenderness (anterior) ·         Patient instruction Percussion ·         Procedure (side to side comparison) use non dominant hand middle finger  tab ·      

Percussion technique ·         

Percussion in all lung fields: anterior ·         Percussion in all lung fields: posterior ·         Diaphragmatic excursion (bilaterally or performs one side and verbalizes they would do both sides)= Amount diaphragm moves during inspiration/expiration normally between 3-6 cm in someone well condition, lungs in good health.

 Patient instruction 

Auscultation ·         

Procedure- side to side comparison (ladder fashion) ·         

Auscultation in all lung fields: anterior -Breath in and out ·         

Auscultation in all lung fields:

posterior · Auscultation in all lung fields: lateral R ·Auscultation in all lung fields: lateral L to check right middle lobes ·  Auscultation in all lung fields: apices ·  Perform one of the following tests if you feel the patient has pneumonia or consolidation or coughing, : and explain what it demonstrates (what a positive finding would be): Bronchophony.