Keys to Good Contemporary Nursing Leadership

This assignment requires you to write an academic article about contemporary nursing leadership that could potentially be submitted to a journal for publication. (2800-3000 words) and 12 sources

First you need to choose a suitable journal that you could submit your article to.

Tip – find some published articles on leadership, look at the journals they are published in and choose several you think might be suitable for your article. Then search for the journal home page in Google or a similar search engine and find their author guidelines. For example, the JAN author guidelines can be found here -> The author guidelines for every journal include their own specific guidelines / information about the types of articles they publish, referencing requirements, writing style, article length limits etc. Also take careful note of how articles are structured in your chosen journal to gain ideas for how you might structure your own article. Your article must have (as per the rubric) an introduction discussion and conclusion as minimum but you can use the journal guidelines to help you structure your paper as well.

You can write about contemporary nursing leadership in any way you like – but your topic must not be too broad. You need to choose a specific issue that you want to explore in more depth.