Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns Assessment

Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns Assessment


Overall Introduction:

I am presenting here my overall health assessment by using the Gordon’s functional health patterns. Then, my stress is presented as focused assessment. This part of assessment assist me in knowing the level of stress while the internet source helps me in gaining more knowledge about causes , effects of stress in normal health status and the methods to reduce the stress or its management. Finally my essay on the health promotion is presented last.

Part 1: Self Health Assessment and plan

Functional Health Pattern (Gordon)

Biographical Data

Name: Lalita Bhandari

Address: 3/5 Danica Ct., Kearneys Spring

Date of Birth: 13th Feb. 1992

Place: Nepal

Age: 22 years

Gender: Female

Occupation: Student

Marital status: Single

Qualification: Bachelor in nursing (ongoing)

Contact number: 0404473722

Height: 162 cm.

Weight: 60 kg.

  • Health perception and management pattern:
  • Past health history: No history of any chronic illness
  • Present condition: Stress due to study workload and homesickness

-Immunized all the vaccines which include tuberculosis, all three doses of Diphtheria, Pertusis and Tetanus, polio, measles, BCG, hepatitis and Rubella.

-No habit of alcohol consumption, smoking and chewing of tobacco and no use of other injectable drugs.

  • Nutritional-metabolic pattern:
  • Good appetite
  • Food intake: 2-3 times a day and many snacks
  • No any food allergies
  • Fluid intake: 3-4 liters of water per day
  • Have no difficulties with eating and swallowing
  • Vitals (at the time of doing assignment)
  • Temperature: 36.8 deg. centigrade
  • Pulse: 74/min.
  • Respiration: 78/min
  • Blood Pressure: 110/60 mm of Hg.
  • Height: 162 cm.
  • Weight: 60 kg.

But sometimes get disturbed with stress.

  • Elimination pattern
  • Bowel: regular bowel at least once daily
  • Bladder: normal frequency of menstruation and no problem associated with bladder or urination
  • Activity-Exercise pattern
  • No planned routine for regular exercise regime
  • Depends upon mood and only on leisure time but rare
  • Sleep and rest pattern
  • Normally no problem of insomnia
  • Have 5-6 hours of sleeping pattern
  • Never use of any sleeping aids and sedatives to rest

But sometimes, when I get stress, I suffer from insomnia

  • Cognitive-Perceptual patterns
  • Good sensory and auditory adequacy
  • No difficulties in learning
  • Good memory
  • Oriented
  • Self-Perception and self concept patterns
  • I am kind, helpful and soft-hearted
  • Show positive attitudes towards others
  • Respect others feelings

But sometimes I feel losing hope when nobody cares.

  • Roles and relationship pattern
  • Family life: Recently I live with my friends as a family. I have responsibility towards my parents as a daughter and sister. I can cope with the difficulties that arise among family members and have good bond among all family members.
  • Student life: Being a student, I have responsibility towards my studies. As with the case with most of international students I need to cope with various level of difficulties like stress, anxiety and workload.
  • Coping-Stress tolerance pattern
  • New environment, new face, new rules, new study patterns make me stress. always listen to songs, watch pictures/photos of my cell and also talk to my close friend and family. If the stress is too severe and cannot be controlled, I cry silently and let the stress burst out with tears and feel like relaxed then after.
  • Values-Beliefs pattern
  • Cultural and religious beliefs
  • Goal set to be a qualified and dedicated Registered Nurse
  • Punctual, obedient and hardworking
  • Never give up and learn from every mistake and move forward

Part B: Focused Assessment



Event Impact Score My Score
Death of spouse 100
Divorce 73
Marital Separation 65
Jail Term 63
Death of close family member 63
Personal injury or illness 53
Marriage 50
Fired at work 47
Marital reconciliation 45
Retirement 45
Change in health of family member 44
Pregnancy 40
Sex difficulties 39
Gain of a new family member 39
Business readjustment 39
Change in financial state 38 38
Death of a close friend 37
Change to a different line of work 36
Change in number of arguments with spouse 35
Mortgage over $20,000 31
Foreclosure of mortgage or loan 30
Change in responsibilities at work 29
Son or daughter leaving home 29
Trouble with in laws 29
Outstanding personal achievement 28
Spouse begins or stop work 26
Begin or end school 26 26
Change in living conditions 25
Revisions of personal habits 24
Trouble with boss 23
Change in work hours or conditions 20 20
Change in residence 20
Change in schools 20
Change in recreations 19
Change in church activities 19
Change in social activities 19
Mortgage or loan less than $20,000 17
Change in sleeping habits 16 16
Change in number of family get-togethers 15
Change in eating habits 15
Vacation 13
Christmas approaching 12
Minor violation of the law 11
Total 100
Life change units Likelihood Of Illness In Near Future
300+ about 80 percent
150-299 about 50 percent
less than 150 about 30 percent

According to the score interpretation presented above in the table, my level of score is 100 which is less than 150 so I have less risk of illness in my near future. In this way Homes and Rahes stress life change index scale helps me to assess my level of stress and help me in reducing the stress and promote my health.


Holmes, T. H., & Rahe, R. H. (1967). The social readjustment rating scale. Journal of psychosomatic research, 11(2), 213-218.

Retrieved from http://www.dartmouth.edu/~eap/library/lifechangestresstest.pdf

Part 3 Internet Sources


Part 4. Health Promotion Essay

NUR1200: Concepts in Patient Care
Assignment:Portfolio of Health assessment / Health promotion marks: 20 (Weight 20%)
Part One 0 – .5 1- 2 2.5 – 3
Self-Health Assessment Absent or minimal health data

No framework

Surface approach only

Absent or minimal summary or analysis

Material is presented or written poorly

Data is logically presented but is limited in scope

Utilises and references a framework

Some areas of assessment could be expanded more

Comprehensive assessment includes bio/ psycho/ social parameters

Interprets health status

Assesses and Analyses data

Part Two 0 – .5 1-1.5 2
Focussed assessment Focussed Health issue does not relate to student’s health assessment in Part 1

No resource(s) used


Material is presented or written poorly

Focus is limited in depth

Resource used for assessment

Lacks clarity in focus

Lacks clarity in writing


Interprets health status

Utilizes and references resource(s)

Analyses data

Organized presentation

Part three: 0 .5 1
Health resource

Internet Resources (two)

Source not cited

Does not state the health topic being addressed

No analysis

No comment regarding reliability

Includes in-text or other means of citing internet sites

Surface critique only

Comments on reliability but could have more depth

Analysis/critique regarding usefulness of sources

Insightful comment(s) regarding reliability/validity of sources

Part four: Essay section
Demonstrates knowledge related to Health promotion 0 1 2-3 4
Paper is disjointed,

Paper is not related to health promotion

Discussion is a description of published work only – minimal explanation of Health Promotion Some health promotion or strategies are mentioned (this will vary depending on theme chosen) Demonstrates a clear articulation of health promotion within chosen topic /4
Use of theme 0 .5-1 1.5 2
Does not establish a context for the issue

Material strays into tangents

States theme well but points are not supportive of this

Some points do not relate to theme

States theme but points are not consistently convincing in support of the theme. Utilises theme well – all points support this

Theme is clear

Demonstrates ability to collate knowledge 0 .5-1 1.5 2
Material is:

  • not cohesive,
  • does not answer theme
  • is irrelevant to the assigned topic
Assignment is a listing of quotes or paraphrased material without synthesis of material for the reader Student is able to synthesize knowledge from several sources to substantiate a logical representation of the theme. Student is able to consistently and effectively synthesise knowledge and Strategy (ies) or factors presented as health promotion which are supported as evidence for practice from the literature. /2
Use of literature 0 0 .5 1
Literature is inappropriate, limited or out of date Content is not well supported from the literature Uses some literature but not integrated, relevant or purposeful. Utilizes at least four sources from literature or texts which are relevant, academic and appropriate /1
Written expression

Assignment reads as unified whole



0 .5-1 1.5 2
Lists material – does not collate

Reader must re-read sections to understand content.

Paragraphs move into tangents

Absent introduction – does not describe the material to follow

Inappropriate or absent concluding remarks

Written expression lacks consistency.

Description only –analysis could be developed more

Lists material – does not collate

Poor introduction – does not set paper up or establish a context

Poorly written conclusion

Written expression lacks consistency and does not demonstrate a high academic standard.

Intro present but not effective in leading into paper

Conclusion present but ineffective/ introduces new material

High standard of written expression.

Language is appropriate and of a high academic standard.

Well-written and well-structured paragraphs

Assignment reads as a unified whole

Introduces essay section, outlines points to follow

Concludes essay (briefly)

Technicalities of writing (grammar/


0 .5 1
Uses dot points.

Changes tenses.

Changes ‘person’ (switches from he/she to ‘you’).

Uses first person – (okay in parts 1-3 but not Part 4)

Incomplete sentences Misspelled words

Run on sentences

Inappropriate abbreviations

Uses colloquial language

Poor paragraph structure

Paragraphs move into tangential material

Some inconsistencies in grammar and spelling

No breaches of grammar or spelling.

Appropriate use of:

  • Punctuation
  • tenses
  • person (‘I’, ‘you’ ‘he/she’)


0 .5 1
Incorrect acknowledgement of cited material.

Inappropriate paraphrasing from published literature’

Incorrect secondary citation;

Incorrect use of ‘et.al.’

Format not consistent with APA

Assignment utilizes material from sources without acknowledging source.

Some inconsistencies with style of in-text referencing (those in the body of the paper)

Inconsistencies with reference list

Moderate issues identified with referencing

Consistently correct in-text referencing as per USQ guidelines.

Correct use of APA Referencing.

Correct expression of secondary citations.

Assignment acknowledges source of all referenced materials.

Reference list 0 .5 1
Reference List is not in alphabetical order.

Does not maintain APA style

Uses references that are not in body of paper

Includes references that are not in body of paper

Punctuation errors in reference list

Electronically accessed journals are not written correctly

Occasional Punctuation errors in reference list

References are consistently written using APA and the correct format for the type of source /1
Negative marking:

Significantly Over/under word count (≥ 10%) (minus 1 mark)

Did not submit marking guide on EASE (minus 1 mark)




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