Gene Therapy


W1 Topic Selection







Critical Reasoning Project W1



Taylor Wester


Chamberlain University

July 7, 2021












Critical Reasoning Project W1

Part #1

Topic: Gene Therapy

Gene therapy is the process of changing the genes inside the body’s cells to stop or treat a disease. Gene therapy can also be defined as a technique that utilizes genes to prevent or treat a disease (Deverman et al., 2018). In the future, the technique might allow physicians to treat a disease by inserting a new gene into the body’s cells instead of conducting surgery or using drugs. Gene therapy is more likely to treat cancer, heart disease, fibrosis, AIDS, hemophilia, and diabetes.

Part #2

Should gene therapy be allowed?

Part #3

I will examine the following aspects in my paper: law enforcement aspect, safety aspect, and ethical aspect. I have chosen the aspect of law enforcement as I want to analyze the legal issues surrounding gene therapy. I have also chosen the safety aspect to evaluate any safety issue related to gene therapy. According to research, a gene cannot be inserted directly into the body cells. Instead, it is delivered using a vector. Viruses are the most common vectors as they can identify certain cells and transfer genetic material into the genes. This process can, however, result in several safety risks in the body. I also chose the ethical aspect because I want to assess the ethical issues surrounding the technique. Gene therapy entails making changes to the body’s cells. This can raise several ethical concerns. Some of the moral questions surrounding the technique are:

Should individuals be allowed to use gene therapy to improve basic human characteristics such as athletic ability, intelligence, or height?

Who decides which human characteristics are normal?

Could the extensive use of the technique make the community less accepting of individuals who are different?

Which traits constitute a disorder or disability?













Deverman, B. E., Ravina, B. M., Bankiewicz, K. S., Paul, S. M., & Sah, D. W. (2018). Gene therapy for neurological disorders: progress and prospects. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery17(9), 641-659.