Diabetes Health Promotion Plan

Steps in the health promotion plan:

  1. Identifying the health promotion topic. base on the article (Prevention or Delay of Type 2 Diabetes: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes)
  2. Defining objectives and goals of the health promotion plan.
  3. Selecting the target population.
  4. Explaining how the problem is affecting health in USA, (updated statistics)
  5. Reviewing of literature (include an article related to your topic)
  6. Describing your role as Nurse Practitioner changing lifestyles in the affected population.
  7. Choosing the strategy of presentation (power point, role play)
  8. Presenting the plan
  9. Evaluating the plan (use appropriate instruments).
  10. Developing the health promotion paper must be 7-10 pages following APA 6th edition guidelines
PS/Abs is proper length (150-250 words).Highly informative, complete and easy to understand (includes all key aspects of the paper).

Appropriate vocabulary is used. PS/Abs makes you want to read the paper.


Thesis provides a clear and concise response to the assigned/selected topic.

Organization of the topic is completely and clearly outlined and implemented.Does not contain superfluous information.


All main points are well-developed; directly related to the thesis.

Supporting examples are concrete and detailed.

There is a logical flow to the topics/arguments.


Research selected is highly relevant to the topic, and is properly incorporated into the body paragraphs.

The method, results, and implications are presented accurately and completely. Relationship between research and theory is clearly articulated and accurate.

The evidence comes from a wide variety of valid sources; minimum “required” sources published within the last 5 years.


Conclusion is clearly stated, and connections to the research and position are clear and relevant.

The underlying logic is explicit.


Paper is coherently organized. Writing is clear and concise.

Writing is fluid and free from spelling and grammatical errors.

Terminology is clearly defined. Writing uses appropriate voice (active/passive).

APA formatting appropriate.


References are precisely listed in APA format.

In-text citations are used correctly for all quotations and paraphrasing.
