Entries by Linus

Pressure Ulcer Management

©2016 American Association of Critical-Care Nurses doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4037/ajcc2016979 Pressure Ulcer Management Background Patients in intensive care units are likely to have limited mobility owing to hemodynamic instability and activity orders for bed rest. Bed rest is indicated because of the severity of the disease process, which often involves intubation, sedation, paralysis, surgical procedures, poor nutrition, […]

forms of childhood maltreatment

Nursing Science Quarterly 2015, Vol. 28(1) 57 –63 © The Author(s) 2014 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/0894318414558606 nsq.sagepub.com Article Healing among men who have lived through various forms of childhood maltreatment (CM), referred to by the general public as child abuse, is not well understood. The phenome- non of healing represents a complex human […]


For the MSN prepared nurse, knowledge of epidemiology and its application to preventive screening guidelines is important in many clinical areas:  administrative, education, and nurse practitioner fields. Consider you are working in a clinic and need to order a preventive screening on a patient for one of the conditions listed below. (While this is a preventative measure, […]


Instructions regarding final paper Choose a topic of an ethical issue that is of interest to you which is not the same as your group presentation topic. 1.2 You must receive approval of your topic from the class professor before writing your paper. Ideally, you will choose a topic in which you do not have […]

the diagnosis and staging of cancer

The nursing process is a tool that puts knowledge into practice. By utilizing this systematic problem-solving method, nurses can determine the health care needs of an individual and provide personalized care. Write a paper (1,750-2,000 words) on cancer and approach to care based on the utilization of the nursing process. Include the following in your […]

Disseminating Results

Disseminating Results   Assignment: Evidence-Based Capstone Project, Part 6: Disseminating Results The dissemination of EBP results serves multiple important roles. Sharing results makes the case for your decisions. It also adds to the body of knowledge, which creates opportunities for future practitioners. By presenting results, you also become an advocate for EBP, creating a culture […]


Surgical Site Infection After Total Knee Arthroplasty : A Descriptive Study Sadik Bilgen1, Gokay Eken2 1Assoc. Professor, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Uludag University School of Medicine, Bursa, Turkey 2Chief Assistant, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Uludag University School of Medicine, Bursa, Turkey Abstract— Joint replacement operations which are applied to reduce the pain and increase the […]

post-op cesarean birth

post-op cesarean birth Mary’s 1st baby was delivered via cesarean section due to the baby being in the breech position.  She is requesting a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean section) for this her second baby.  By ultrasound, advice this baby is in the vertex position.  IN reviewing the postoperative report from her first surgery- It is […]


Purpose: This Assignment is helpful in developing the groundwork for understanding and integrating evidence-based practice in healthcare throughout the rest of the course. In this Assignment you will have the chance to see how the research you look for can be applied in the work you do in your practice. Overview: You will select a […]


Reflect on your overall practicum experience in this course. Then, address the following in your Practicum Journal: Explain whether your therapeutic theory has changed as a result of your practicum experiences. Recall the theories you selected in Week 1. Explain how you integrated the therapeutic approaches from this course in your clinical practice. Include how this […]