Entries by Linus

Discssion 4

I need 4 different  answers/responses  to the following discussion questions at least 85 word  for each response/asnwer.      DQ )   Determine when avoidance training would be beneficial.   Responses:    1.    2.   3.   4.       

Client empowerment

 Post a brief description of the approach each of the professionals involved are using that may support or limit Paula’s personal empowerment. Choose two professionals and explain how their approach either may or may not reflect social work values. Then, explain how Paula’s personal empowerment might be impacted by the approaches chosen. Describe two social […]

Assign 2

  Assignment: Final Project: Mitigation Plan, Part 2 In Part 1 of your Final Project: Mitigation Plan, you selected a topic for mitigation and a developmental age group on which to focus. You also researched articles to help you identify diversity factors related to the relationship between your topic and age group. Now that you […]

PCN-440 Week 5 Topic 5 DQ 1

Week 5 Topic 5 DQ 1 Read the Mr. and Mrs. J. Case Study on page 173 in the textbook. Discuss how you would approach this case from the perspective of a cognitive-behavioral family therapist.    

Rwanda Genocide -Psychology of Terrorism- Research Paper

This assignment consists of a 2100-word, 7-page research paper.  It MUST be formatted in APA style . Specific kinds of outside materials and all course required reading materials may be used.   Use the attached proposal as a starting point for the paper  


Ashford 4: – Week 3 – Assignment Assessment of Community-Level Barriers For the second written assignment of the course, you will continue in the design of your proposed model program by demonstrating your understanding of your selected population’s challenges, which negatively impact this group’s health and well-being. Based on this week’s research, conduct an assessment […]

PSY 492 -Identifying Stages of Development

     I need this assignment back 11/25/17 by 19:00 aka 7pm EDT Post your response to the topic below with at least 200 words in the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Cite information from at least one academic source, such as your textbook or an article from the Argosy Online Library, to support […]


Week 4: Human Development, Motivation, and Emotion Have you ever found yourself saying, “If I only knew then what I know now….” Or have you ever reflected on a past argument with a loved one and thought, “I would feel so differently about that issue now!” As an adult, you can probably look back over […]

The Science of Happiness, psychology assignment help

To prepare for this week’s Discussion, review the following videos in addition to this week’s assigned Reading. Gilbert, D. (2004). Dan Gilbert: The surprising science of happiness. Retrieved from http://www.ted.com/talks/dan_gilbert_asks_why_are_we_happy.html The science of happiness is relatively new. In the past, researchers have focused on studying negative mood or thoughts and its relation to mood disorders, […]


  The questions are designed to help you elaborate your understanding of the material and I recommend reviewing all of them. A selection of these questions also appears on the Dialogue Forum. You are required to: respond to three of the questions I have selected for the Week 10 forum by Tuesday, July 12 (two […]