Entries by Linus

PCN-527 Week 8 Final Exam

Week 8 Final Exam On day one of the final week of class, post a message in your individual forum informing the instructor of which day you would like to complete the final exam. The instructor will provide the exam on the day you specify via your individual forum. Select five questions from the exam. Write […]


   Chapter 11 in the textbook emphasizes the importance of hope and possibility in the counseling process. Clients come into counseling having tried many different solutions that have failed. In many cases, they are discouraged and hopeless about resolving their problems in a way that creates a better life. In some cases, clients face significant […]

Social Pshycology

Write a paper of approximately 200–400 words (do not exceed word count) that addresses three of the following components: A core set of values and methods that underlies the practice of science. Briefly describe four of the core values shared by scientists. Describe three basic components of evolution. What is the difference between systematic observation and […]


As students, you can gain a greater appreciation for scientific approaches to the study of abnormal psychology by perusing current issues of some of the more rigorous journals in the field. Please search for an research article in recent issues of Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Archives of General Psychiatry, […]


Marketing PresentationAssignment Overview Throughout your career, you will need to clearly explain what sport psychology is, what services can be provided, and the benefits it provides to coaches, teams, and athletes. There are different types of practitioners that provide sport performance enhancement services, so it is easy for consumers to be confused about what sport […]

1 page synopsis

PTSD, find a corresponding peer reviewed journal article that addresses that disorder.  Write a one-page synopsis of the journal article, incorporating concepts from the chapters including management of the disorder, treatment, causes, manifestations, symptoms etc.  The summary should be specific to the article and not a regurgitation of the chapter.  Upload the link to the […]

personality in PSY

1.   Click this link –   http://www.learner.org/resources/series138.html . When you get to the webpage, scroll down a bit and click the “VoD” link to the right of the program description for Video #15 called “The Self”. This video is about 26-minutes in length. Point out which part of the video you found most interesting […]

PSY-470 Topic 7 DQ 2

Choose between autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and discuss the proposed causes, symptoms, and treatments. Use in-text citations in complete 6th edition APA format.