Entries by Linus

Psy420 Week1

This assignment helps you get an idea of the foundation that was created for ABA, including who the theorists were, what they did, and with when they did it. Complete the Theories of Behavior Timeline worksheet.    Theories of Behavior Timeline Complete the following table by reordering the theorists according to the relevant date (and […]

PSY 362 Grand Canyon University Altruism and Cooperation Paper 8

Topic 8 – Altruism and Cooperation Prosocial Behavior This assignment contains two parts. You may type directly into this worksheet. Part I: Random Acts of Kindness Foundation Website Visit the website of The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, an organization dedicated to altruistic pursuits.Review the information, literature, and downloadable documents, then in 100-250 words answer […]

Assignment 3: Cultural Influence in Business Psychology

Assignment 3: Cultural Influence in Business Psychology Mark Jones, a Production Manager, has been transferred from the manufacturing plant in his hometown of Chicago to his company’s overseas manufacturing plant in Osaka, Japan. You are the company’s I-O psychologist. Using Hofstede’s Five Basic Elements of Culture Distinction, write an e-mail message to the Vice President […]

SOCW-6111-Discussions Wk 3

   Discussion: Assessment Tools Assessments are an integral part of the planned change process. During this part of the process you will accumulate, organize, and review the information you will need to begin the planning and intervention phases of treatment. Content and information are obtained from multiple sources (the child, family members, school personnel, etc.) […]

Research in Clinical Forensic Settings

  To prepare for this Discussion: Review this week’s DVD program, “Application of Psychological Research – Clinical Settings.” Consider the areas of forensic psychology research that are relevant to forensic clinical settings. Review the article, “ Actuarial Versus Clinical Assessments of Dangerousness,” in this week’s Learning Resources. Pay particular attention to the studies discussed in […]

Final Research Paper

Assignment 1: LASA 2: Final Project: Final Research Paper Submit your final research paper to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned. It should include a cover page, abstract, intro/lit review, method section, results (simply report what statistics you propose to use), discussion section, and reference page.   Your final paper should be double-spaced, 8 […]

powerpoint 14 pages apa format template attached.

  Create a 14 slide PowerPoint presentation using the Walden University presentation template. In addition, include audio narration that addresses the following: Provide a chronological overview of the female serial killer’s family background and identify significant life events that occurred from birth to teenage years (3 slides). Provide a chronological overview of the female serial […]

Assignment 2:Animal Research

  This paper need only be 2-3 pages. I need someone proficient in English.   Discuss your position on the use of animals for research and how the readings affected your opinion. 20- include your opinion regarding your opinion of the pros and cons. — Use this reference: http://www.aboutanimaltesting.co.uk/controversy-of-animal-testing.html   Explain the circumstances or the types […]

Rasmussen College Social Media and Its Impact in Norms Paper

The prevalence of social media has had a huge impact on society in the area of how we tend to relate to each other and on what is considered to be normal in general. Taking a look at the ways in which social media changes attitudes and “norms” makes for an interesting study, and one […]


   Unit 3 Discussion 1 & 2? $30.00 Due (Sunday) 7/22/2018.   Unit 3 Discussion 1 Alternatives to Pregroup Interviews According to the Association for Specialists in Group Work (ASGW), ethical practice entails conducting a pregroup interview with each prospective member for purposes of screening, orientation, and selection. If you found it was highly impractical […]