Entries by Linus

How Does this Relate to Me?

How Does this Relate to Me? Prior to beginning this discussion, select a peer-reviewed, scholarly article from the Ashford University Library on a particular aspect of language acquisition studied from a psychological perspective. Part 1: As you were reading this week, what vocabulary was used that was unfamiliar to you or might be to your […]

Week 7 Discussion 2

   Please no plagiarism and make sure you are able to access all resource on your own before you bid. One of the references must come from Broderick and Blewitt (2015). I need this completed by 01/11/18 at 6pm. I have attached the transcript from the required video. Discussion 2: The Impact of Social Media […]


  Create a draft of the findings of the articles you have selected and how they contribute to our knowledge of this problem. Be sure to address each of the following items in your draft: 1.  Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each piece. 2.  If the articles talk to each other (that is, if […]

research 3

instructions attached below previous 2 papers and a sample paper are attached as well

Treatment Overview

300 WORDS WELL WRITTEN     DUE 5/22/2018  Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the required chapters from the text and review the required articles for this week. Over the course of the past weeks, we have considered the use of medications in the treatment of various psychological disorders. This discussion will provide you with […]

Boston College on Sensation and Perception Essay

From what you’ve learned in the chapter on Sensation and Perception, you should now know how easily our perceptions can be fooled. We are susceptible to illusions (for all senses), our brains actively try to interpret ambiguous or partially processed information which often results in our misinterpreting the world, and our brains lie to us […]

Defining Measuring and Managing Stress Questions

The purpose of this assignment is for you to examine the stress in your life. Reflecting on the past week, make a list of things that caused you stress. The, apply Lazarus’ model to explain how these events caused feelings of stress. Be sure to answer the following questions:How did your feelings of control affect […]