Entries by Linus


One of the goals, as a psychology student, is for you to understand the nature of science and how it pertains to the field of psychology. Many people only think of the clinical side of the field and are not aware that much research has been done in psychology. In this module discuss the following […]

Psychology porposed research

Research paper/ proposed study 6 pages   MLA  format  at least 3 academic  resources  COMPOSE A PORPOSED STUDY (method, hypothesis and implication) and support it with previous research    Topic does your temperament affect your cronotype  what are two vatiable (make sure to operationalize your variable) –  chronotype creativity  Hypothesis  I belive your chronotype affects your creativity  […]

Homework 5

    Assignment 1: LASA 2: Final Argument Paper Using the information from the PowerPoint presentation you created in Module 3, write an Argument Paper that takes a position on the issue you selected. Be sure to include an explanation of the topic, possible viewpoints on the topic, your selected position on the topic, and appropriate evidence […]

Basic Features of clinical Assessment

Basic Features of clinical Assessment   Please study the assigned chapter from your textbook and answer the following questions:   • What core competencies assessment should clinical psychologist poses? • What are the steps involves in clinical assessment? • What are the most common data collection techniques? • What are the general goals of assessment? […]

Psychology Brochure

Neurological Research Brochure   You are working for a neurological research center, and they need additional reading material for their waiting room.   Create a 2- to 3-page illustrated brochure that includes the following:  The anatomy of a neuronA description of the neural impulseThe stages of neural conductionThe function of the primary neurotransmittersAn example of a […]

Virtual Conference: Call for Posters

Effective clinical innovations and the dissemination of research findings are key elements in the growth and development of the psychology profession. There are numerous avenues that enable authors to publish and present their work. Poster presentations at conferences are effective methods for communicating research findings and providing opportunities to meet with other researchers and clinicians […]

Psychology 4 Module # 4

  Make an initial post (100 word minimum)  to EACH of the four discussion topics within the first two weeks of the beginning of the course. 2.  Students are required to make at least three reflective posts (100 word minimum) to the comments of other students.    Students must begin by first stating “I believe […]

please read no plagiarism please cite watch grammer need ASAP

  Improve your interview and referral questions for the case vignette you selected in M1 Assignment 3. Using this case vignette, add to your referral questions by integrating the feedback that you received from your instructor in M4 Assignment 2 on your mock interview questions and formulated hypothesis on why the individual needs the referral. […]

Human Theories

Human Development Theories You are to research the four human developmental theories identified in your Chapter 6. 1.    You are to develop a chart (word or excel document) with the theory headings.  2.    You are to cross reference the theories based on similarities and differences.  3.    Lastly, based on the 4 theories […]