Entries by Linus

whats eating gilbert grape paper must have watched movie

Description:  The paper should be minimum four pages double-spaced 12 point New Times Roman font in APA style and will need to have 3-5 five references, with only one of those coming from the internet and the DSM-V required. Your textbook can, of course, be used as one reference. You will be required to write a […]

Intelligence: From Theory to Test Discussion

Intelligence: From Theory to Test Resources Microsoft Word icon Attributes and Evaluation of Discussion Contributions.  PDF icon Professional Communications and Writing Guide. In this unit, you are introduced to a variety of theories of intelligence, including Spearman’s two-factor theory (1927), Cattell-Horn’s two-factor theory (1966), Luria’s information processing approach (1966), Cattell-Horn and Carroll’s CHC model (1997), […]

psychological science disscussions

Correlations: Ice Cream and Personality ( I have attached chapter 2) The answers should be at least two paragraphs in length each and with reference to the chapter.    The textbook (see “Psychological Science” chapter 2) explains briefly what a correlation is, how surveys contribute to research, and some of the dangers to watch out […]

Behavioral and Social-Cognitive

  Create a 12- to 15-slide presentation analyzing the formation of habits using behavioral and social-cognitive approaches. Your presentation should cover the following areas: Analyze one of your habits. How did you develop this habit? Were there role models for this habit? Which people influenced the adoption of this habit? Why do you continue it? […]

How and why are psychologists involved in the military?

 The project is not to be a biography of a theorist. Nor is it simply an overview of some theory. Student papers are to demonstrate a thorough understanding of historical and philosophical roots of a specific theory, relevant modern extensions, and recent empirical support. For example, a student could explore the perspective of evolutionary psychology […]

Describe Anchoring Heuristic and Pros & Cons of

In the context of heuristics:  Describe Anchoring heuristicNext, list one cognitive benefit and one cognitive disadvantage of relying on Anchoring Heuristics   Note to writer: I would prefer if you could answer this while citing a legitimate internet source using APA formatting. Please provide links.


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