Entries by Linus

GRO 410- 5

As we come to the end of your course, it is important to discuss the impact of grief and loss on those who have experienced loss in their life. Grief is a normal part of experiencing death and is experienced in many forms. It is critical to understand the symptoms and available support to help […]


  Since you started PSY101, Smarter Decisions through Psychology, you have had the opportunity to learn about fascinating topics, including the brain and nervous system, emotions, motivation, and stress management. As you learned the psychological concepts and principles covered in this course, you’ve gained insight into what influences decision making and how you can apply […]

Can this be done by tomorrow 9-22-2018 @3pm

Recall a situation in which you and your co-workers or fellow students were highly motivated and effective.  What motivation theories help you account for this high level of performance? THEORIES OF MOTIVATION Supervision requires an understanding of the complex needs that affect individual performance. These needs have been categorized and explained in a number of […]

Psychology terms and articles

   This assignment will consist of two parts. Both parts will be combined into one document and submitted for your assignment. For part one of this task, explain the following terms: Inter-rater reliability Test re-test reliability/Repeated measures reliability Face validity Predictive validity Concurrent validity  Once you have explained these, for each term, provide an example […]

PSY 2520 MOD 5 Final Paper TR

  The complete instructions for the Final Paper can be below as well as in the “ Components of Course Evaluation” section of your Student Course Guide.  This assignment will be due on or before Saturday of the last day of class. Step #1: Select a Disorder For your Final paper, select one of the following […]


  The civil rights movement and Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson’s War on Poverty in the mid-1960’s launched a movement for the nation to respond by offering equal access to education, housing, and other resources (Alger et al., 2000).  In June 1965, President Johnson spoke at Howard University outlining the major principles […]

Self-Esteem in Children

  In the US, a common worry of parents is whether their children have a high self-esteem. In the age of increased awareness of the ramifications of bullying behavior (physical, verbal, and relational-aggression), as well as increased competition it is no wonder parents are concerned. Aleksandar is a coordinator of athletic programs for Centervale. In […]

Health Research Paper

TOPIC EATING DISORDERS  6   Pages MLA Citation also Intext Citations Double Spaced Mininum 5 sources  (at least 3 from journal articles, sholarly books, non websites) Title Page Size 12 Font Times new Romans one inch Margins