Entries by Linus

The Positive Impact of Technology in the field of psychology

I need the paper below to be revise to follow APA manuscript formatting rules, 0 plagiarism, grammar error need to be corrected, Making an effective thesis statement, creating paragraphs around single topics that support a thesis, and I still need to keep the same references. you can help in adding some sentences too.

Focus of the Final Exam

Focus of the Final Exam       The purpose of the Final Exam is to assess your understanding of the main statistical concepts covered in this course and to evaluate your ability to critically review a quantitative research article.  The exam will consist of two parts: Part I includes three essay questions and Part […]

What is Intelligence

Go to MyPsychLab Video series, Episode 11, “The Big Picture: What is Intelligence?”  View the video and respond to the following: Researchers agree that BOTH your genetics and your environment impact the development of your intellect. In your specific case, which one has had the greater impact on your intelligence? Please provide at least two […]

Order 1186941: psyc 310 quiz #3

  Type of paperQ&A SubjectPsychology Number of pages2 Format of citationAPA Number of cited resources0 Type of serviceWriting Instructions will be uploaded later.

Research Ethics Essay

Ethical Case Study An example of unethical treatment of participants was the Tuskegee syphilis experiment, who believed they were being treated for “bad blood” “Bad blood”: A term used to describe problems like anemia, fatigue, and syphilis Those in the control group were not given treatment for syphilis, and many died Why would this research […]

Biopsychosocial Assessment: Part 2

Refer back to the movie you selected and watched or the case study you read during Topic 1. Continue working on the biopsychosocial assessment submitted in Topic 2 and complete Part 2 of the biopsychosoical assessment. Make any suggested changes from your instructor. While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, […]

NCU Sex Offenders Online Child Sexual Exploitation Annotated Bibliography

Throughout your studies, you will read many texts and journal articles. In many courses, you will be asked to prepare an annotated bibliography to assist you in preparing key assignments. An annotated bibliography is a writing and research tool that you want to master because it allows you to record important information in a concise […]

women & gender studies

attached are the directions. im a female so speak from female point of view. Below is teh required text    Women’s Lives: Multicultural Perspectives Sixth Edition, Kirk & Okazawa-Rey  Flat Broke With Children: Women in the age of welfare reform. Hays.

Recovery and Support Groups

  Details: Locate an open recovery or support group in your local community.  Attend one of the group’s meeting. The group can be for any type  of substance or process addiction and does not have to be a 12-step  meeting. It does however need to be a support group to help with the  recovery from any […]