Entries by Linus

cover letter

For this assignment, you will submit the second document to be included in your Professional Portfolio: Your personal statement or a cover letter. As you near completion of your undergraduate education, you have probably been reflecting on your personal and professional development and goals. Summarizing so much personal information on paper is not easy, but […]

PSY 355 Cognitive Psychology History Paper

  1. What are some of the strengths associated with the Con side of the issue? What are some of the weaknesses? 2. Based on the statements presented in this critical issue, which author do you agree with? Provide supporting evidence. 3. Explore two other roles that can be acquired during early and middle adulthood, […]

Philosohophy (needs to be done by 11:45)

 Please compare, contrast, and evaluate the following 2 quotations:     “Mankind is the measure of all things, of all things that they are, and of all things that they are not.” “There is but one set of truths, and these truths are independent of the thought of man.” Do we discover the truth, or do […]

Decoding the Ethics Code, Ch. 12 and 13

Respond in 1000 words with three scholarly references. Use citations, cite your references. Please use chapter 12 & 13 attachment to answer question.  Cite every sentence with content from your sources. There are a few ways to do that including just putting the citation at the end of each sentence.   What did you find […]

Breaking Social Norms and Human Cooperation Questions

Social norms are the invisible glue that keeps societies together. They are really only noticed when they are violated. This assignment involves breaking a social norm that everyone typically obeys. **PLEASE NOTE: Please do NOT choose to do anything illegal, unethical, dangerous, or obnoxious. Do not choose any pointless antic that wastes other people’s time […]

Autistic Disorder

http://college.cengage.com/coursemate/psychology/barlow_9781111357207/unprotected/video/player.html?video=ch14_Autisticdisorder Dr. Durand discusses the nature of autism, its characteristics, and symptoms. There is live footage of a public school in New York where the teachers and children with autism are in a mainstreamed setting with other students. Aside from the real footage, this segment highlights the ongoing controversy regarding whether such children should be […]

Unit 5 Discussion

  Your post should be at least 350 words in length.  Be  sure to review the risk management practices from the Readings and use  the Internet and Library to research legal and regulatory issues common  to the human services profession. Please respond to the following: Identify and discuss, in detail, the legal and regulatory issues […]

psych homewrok

Choose one of the following assigned readings (not from the Pinker book), provide a summary of the paper and its main points, and relate the main points of the paper to the associated topics presented in the lectures:  Krauss, Labov, Glucksberg, Sidtis, Bilous, Clark, or Garrod      Response papers should be between 300-500 words each (500 […]

Boundaries and Dual Relationships

  Boundaries and Dual Relationships In this Assignment, you will apply the information you have learned  regarding boundaries and dual relationships to the analysis of a real  life scenario. Assignment Scenario Ms. Cheney was a case manager at an outpatient clinic that provided a  variety of services. One of her clients was Ms. Rosalind, who […]