Entries by Linus

Disney Surveys Cast Members Annually By Presenting Statements (Relating To Their Managers) To Be Rated On A Seven-Point Scale From “Strongly Agree” To “Strongly Disagree.”

Write a 1 page paper addressing the following: Topic 1: Disney surveys cast members annually by presenting statements (relating to their managers) to be rated on a seven-point scale from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree.” Choose one of the statements listed below and comment on whether this is a good question to ask employees and […]


THIS IS 2 SEPARATE ASSIGNMENTS. PLEASE DO NOT COMBINE THEM. #1 Please watch the video,  Prof. Mridu Rai: Caste System in India   or read  The Caste System: Effects on Poverty in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka . Then, compare India’s caste system with racial/ethnic stratification in the United States. What are the similarities and […]

Week 4 psy 625

Grant Proposal – Proposed Study, Budget, and Draft Grant Proposal This week you will write the Proposed Study and Budget sections of your Grant Proposal. The Proposed Study section will resemble a typical methods section like the one you would write in an empirical paper (except that the data have not yet been collected). In […]

Clinical Supervision

Course Case Study Lily began supervising an intern, Jack. A few months after supervision began, Lily discovered that she would need to go on medical leave. Because the leave would only be for about six weeks and she was the only licensed mental health professional in the office, she and Jack decided that he would […]

For this assignment, you will design a research study proposal to examine some aspect of human development. You may select any topic that is of interest to you, as long as it pertains to the life span. Refer to "Life-Span Development Resources," for usefu

For this assignment, you will design a research study proposal to examine some aspect of human development. You may select any topic that is of interest to you, as long as it pertains to the life span. Refer to “Life-Span Development Resources,” for useful life-span websites if you are having difficulty selecting a topic. Submit […]

Observation Interview on a movie Counselor

 Each student will observe the counselor in the movie “ordinary people”, paying close attention to things you might want to know more about if you were to actually meet with him/her. What education or experience do you think the counselor has, do they seem qualified, what is their specialty or demographic group served, is there […]

ssignment 2: LASA 1: Issues in Premarital Counseling

ssignment 2: LASA 1: Issues in Premarital Counseling Steve has asked his girlfriend Nadia to marry him. They dated for a year after meeting in college at a fraternity party. Nadia has been sexually intimate with one other boyfriend, while Steve has had multiple partners.  Both are American, but Nadia’s grandparents are originally from Egypt. […]

Making Contacts for the Future-PS6

Competency Design a personal plan to use social media to benefit the student both personally and professionally as well as minimize online mistakes and their impact. Instructions Regardless of the career that you pursue or are currently pursuing, it is likely that the action of securing the resource of friends and professional acquaintances will be […]