Entries by Linus

Cultural Autobiography

Cultural Autobiography ALL WORK MUST BE ALL ORIGINAL AND 3 REFERENCES 4 PAGES NOT COUNTING TITLE PAGE The purpose of this assignment is to illustrate recognition of your own cultural background and how your worldview has been shaped by your family, role models and life experiences. This autobiography will help you express an appreciation for […]

lit review

write a literature review of a research topic. The paper should include a review of research located from electronic database searches, a critical review of relevant literature, and a summary of the findings written in APA style. the topic I have chosen is Seasonal affective disorder. 

Human Services Foundational Knowledge Overview

Human Services Foundational Knowledge Overview In all of your previous courses in this program, you have engaged with the ideas and approaches that comprise a professional background in human services. Have you had the opportunity to think about how all of your learning fits together? Could you readily explain how well prepared you are for […]


DISCUSSION BOARD DOES NOT NEED A COVER PAGE NEEDS REFERENCES.   References   SBIRT: Workflow: SAMHSA-HRSA Center for Integrated Health Solutions. Retrieved from http://www.integration.samhsa.gov/clinical-practice/sbirt/workflow   Summers, N. (2012). Fundamentals of case management practice: Skills for the human   services (4 th  ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks Cole.

University of California Cultural Background Paper

Self-Awareness/Cultural Background: Each student will write a 4 -6 page paper exploring personal cultural identity. The following should be included in your paper: Your cultural identity; Background and identification of family of origin ; How did you develop your current values, beliefs, attitudes and opinions?; Which ones do you share with your family; Which do […]

Psy 100 Adjusment Case Study Paper

Hi, are you interested in writing this paper for me?  See details below.  Thank you.    Assignment 2: Adjustment Case Study Go to NPR’s StoryCorps Website, located at http://www.npr.org/series/4516989/storycorps . Read two (2) articles that were published within the last two (2) months that focus on individuals with major adjustment issues.   Next, use the […]

Need help on this by 11pm est tonight.

Please help with the assignments (2) below. APA with 300 words a piece and 2 references. 1. This module/week, you will read and hear about stages of group development and factors that contribute to group cohesion. Based on your readings and experience, discuss the aspects of the beginning and transition (storming/norming) stages of a group […]


The following questions need to be answered. Each answer needs to be at least 300 words along with references. References can’t all be websites. They need to be true articles and/or books.  Effects on Business Provide economic, psychological, and organizational reasons as to why a company would want to ensure a workplace offers effective interventions/treatments […]

Critical thinking 8

  we have been learning about the family, marriage, the culturally defined roles of men and women in the family, and how the family has changed over the years in both the United States and the global community. But, does the mass media impact our views of family? Let’s have some fun and explore mass […]