Entries by Linus

working together

  When people work together in a group or a corporation, they learn about each other’s jobs and find more convenient ways to get the jobs done. We all learn within our systems of professional and personal learning. With this observation in mind, discuss organizational learning. Address the following: What is meant by the term […]

week 3 a

Step 1:  In your Learning Team, read and discuss the Week Three Electronic Reserve Readings. As you discuss these articles, pay special attention to the following topics and issues: Cultural influences on toys Write  a one-paragraph summary of the main findings from these articles, as they relate to the bulleted topics and issues.   Step […]

Soc 112 class

Now that you have broken the social issue into smaller pieces in the concept map, you will explain the connections you made and how these connections will help you better understand the issue. You will use your knowledge from the course to describe the connections between the sociological concepts and the social issue and demonstrate […]


Genogram: Hernandez Family   As you have been exploring human behavior and the social environment, you have likely increased your awareness of the many biological, psychological, and sociological factors that affect individual behavior. Human relationships are complex, and social workers may find it difficult to keep these important interactions in mind when addressing a client’s […]

Assignment 2: Discussion—Brain Scans and Application of Research to Brain Injury

  Assignment 2: Discussion—Brain Scans and Application of Research to Brain Injury The past twenty years have seen advancements in technology that were critical to further understanding concepts in cognitive psychology. Two such developments are positron emission tomography (PET) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. These scans allow researchers to “see” the brain in action. Research […]

Social Psychology

What are the key distinctions between social psychology and folk wisdom? What are some problems with folk wisdom?Imagine you are driving and that a driver in another car cuts you off. You have to slam on the brakes quickly to avoid an accident. If you were using the fundamental attribution error, how would you be […]

Cultural Diversity A2

Read Chapters 1 & 3 of Cross-Cultural Psychology.   Assignment                     2 The text authors believe that despite all the ethnic, cultural, religious, racial, and national differences, people can learn to become more understanding, respectful, and tolerant of each other. In spite of the fact that cross-cultural psychology alone cannot solve the profound problems facing the human […]

300 W2 Assignment

The goal of this unit is to focus on and refine your research question and design a study that will fit your research question. [Chapter 2: Planning a Study].   Then write a 4 section essay using APA format on the following: Present your refined topic and research question/ hypothesis. Bring in reference to one of […]