Entries by developer

Personal Leadership Philosophies

Identify two to three scholarly resources, in addition to this Module’s readings, that evaluate the impact of leadership behaviors in creating healthy work environments. Reflect on the leadership behaviors presented in the three resources that you selected for review. Reflect on your results of the CliftonStrengths Assessment, and consider how the results relate to your […]

the Abdomen and Gastrointestinal System

Assessment of the Abdomen and Gastrointestinal System Assessment of the Abdomen and Gastrointestinal System Additional subjective history should be assessed by asking specific, focused assessment questions that point out the possible changes in the client’s digestion, appetite, and bowel movements, including the color, consistency, frequency, and regularity. Further questions include cases of bloody stools, exacerbation […]

approaches of nursing leaders and managers to issues in practice

In this assignment, you will be writing a 1,000-1,250 word paper describing the differing approaches of nursing leaders and managers to issues in practice. To complete this assignment, do the following: Select an issue from the following list: bullying, unit closers and restructuring, floating, nurse turnover, nurse staffing ratios, use of contract employees (i.e., registry […]

polycystic kidney disease

12387 Subject or discipline: Nursing Title: Writer’s choice Paper instructions: Attached Chapter 27 Case Study: Maria Gonzales Scenario: The triage nurse at a local pediatric clinic receives a call from the mother of a 4-year-old girl named Maria. Maria has polycystic kidney disease. For the past 2 days Maria has been extremely thirsty and going […]

chronic non-communicable disease

Assignment: Students are expected to conduct an indivudual family assessment with at least one member of the family being diagnosed with a chronic non-communicable disease (CNCD). They are to use the Chronic Disease Care Model in identifying the multifaceted challenges affecting the individual as well as the family. They are required to develop and implement […]

Pakistani Female With Delusional Thought

BACKGROUND The client is a 34-year-old Pakistani female who moved to the United States in her late teens/early 20s. She is currently in an “arranged” marriage (her husband was selected for her since she was 9 years old). She presents to your office today following a 21 day hospitalization for what was diagnosed as “brief […]

. Describe some healthcare beliefs of the Korean and Mexican heritage and how they influence the delivery of evidence-based health care.

Read chapter 20 and 21 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentation.  Once done answer the following questions; 1. Describe the heritage of the Korean and Mexican people and discuss if there is any similarity in their roots. 2. Describe some healthcare beliefs of the Korean and Mexican heritage and how they influence the delivery […]

Dementia in the elderly

Assignment: Elder Specific Discussion Topics Please choose only ONE of the following topics and respond to the thread corresponding to the question you select. 1. Dementia in the elderly. Discuss ways in which the cost associated with dementia can be curtailed along with maintaining the individual’s quality of life. Dementia is not only Alzheimer’s disease, […]

Professional Organizational Meeting:

ASSIGNMENT #1 Civic Meeting: Attend the meeting of a Government body at the local, state, regional or national level. This may be a city council, county commission, state or national legislature meeting. Submit a formal report on the proceedings to include the observations of the meeting and possible impacts on the health of the associated […]