Application Assignment: Research Simulation

Note: Your Application Assignment this week has two parts.

Part 2: Ethical Considerations for Your Selected Subtopic

Last week, you took two steps forward in your research simulation. First, you decided on which topic to focus for the remainder of this assignment. Second, as you conducted your abbreviated literature review, you gained insight into the thinking of researchers who are also interested in your chosen topic. The focus of your studies this week has been on research ethics. Applying these principles to your research simulation is your task for this assignment.

Below is a list of common ethics concerns with regard to research studies. Take time to review this list and reflect on ways each might apply to your selected research topic. Informed consent with adults Informed consent with children Deception of participants Confidentiality concerns Risk/benefit considerations Cultural concerns Research with indigenous participants

For this assignment, summarize: The ways in which any or all of the ethics concerns might influence or need to be taken into consideration with regard to your specific research simulation? How you might address the ethics concern(s) you identified, i.e., modify or add to your research simulation

Assignment length: Approximately 2 pages

Submit this assignment by Sunday of this week.