Abnormal Psychology

PSY220 Final

Chap 8-13

PSY 220 Abnormal Psychology

1-5: 6-10:

11-15: 16-20:

21-25: 26-30:


Each question is worth 1 point. For this test, one can earn up to 35 points. All questions have one and only one correct answer.

1. According to the revisions made for DSM-5, most people previously diagnosed with __________ will now be diagnosed with somatic symptom disorder.

a. hypochondriasis

b. factitious disorder

c. dissociative disorder

d. body dysmorphic disorder

2. What would be most helpful to a person with somatic symptom disorder?

a. Relaxation training, despite the pain

b. Restricting physical activity as much as possible

c. Getting a great deal of sympathy and attention

d. Being allowed to avoid unpleasant tasks when in pain

3. What did early observers mean when they used the term la belle indifférence to describe individuals with conversion disorder?

a. That those with the disorder denied they had debilitating symptoms

b. That those with the disorder showed extreme anxiety and concern about their symptoms

c. That those with the disorder seemed to lack any concern about their symptoms

d. That those with the disorder masked their symptoms with medication

4. What disorder would include intentionally taking drugs in order to stimulate various real illnesses?

a. Factitious disorder

b. Malingering

c. Dissociative identity disorder

d. Somatization disorder

5. What do somatic symptom disorder and the dissociative disorders have in common?

a. Both are characterized by physical complaints.

b. Both are more common in men.

c. Both appear to be ways of avoiding anxiety.

d. Both have onset during early childhood.

6. Why has the term “multiple personality disorder” been replaced with “dissociative identity disorder”?

a. The old term was often used to refer to both schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder, thus a new term was needed to end the confusion.

b. The word “multiple” suggested the presence of more identities than were commonly observed.

c. Fully developed personalities are not present in dissociative identity disorder, just varying expressions of different aspects of the patient’s personality.

d. A new diagnostic term was wanted to remove some of the stigma associated with the old term and its presentation in the media.

7. What is unique about binge-eating disorder (BED) when compared to the other eating disorders found in DSM-5?

a. Those with BED are commonly of normal body weight.

b. The patient age is usually older.

c. It develops earlier in life than other eating disorders.

d. Few of those with BED develop weight-related health problems.

8. A dysfunction in which of the following neurotransmitters has been observed in both anorexics and bulimics?

a. Serotonin

b. Epinephrine


d. Dopamine

9. Which of the following is most commonly found in the families of girls with anorexia?

a. Parents who are unconventional, dramatic, and antisocial

b. Parents who emphasize rules, control, perfectionism, and good physical appearance

c. Sibling rivalry that breaks out into physical and verbal aggression

d. Children who reduce psychological tension in the family by dominating their parents

10. What do affect-regulation models reveal regarding the role that binge eating plays in those with eating disorders?

a. Binge eating serves as a distraction from negative feelings.

b. Binge eating is a form of control.

c. Binge eating is a concrete method for restricting caloric intake.

d. Binge eating reveals an individual’s desire for food over the desire for human connection.

11. Why is family therapy currently being investigated as a treatment for anorexia?

a. Family therapy has been found to be the most effective form of therapy for bulimia.

b. Healthier family relationships have been found to affect treatment outcomes.

c. The well-established role of the family in the development of eating disorders necessitates the involvement of the family in their treatment.

d. Cognitive-behavioral therapy and other forms of individual psychotherapy have been found to be ineffective.

12. Unlike disorders such as depression and PTSD, __________.

a. personality disorders develop gradually

b. multiple causal events can be identified when a personality disorder develops

c. personality disorders cause considerable subjective distress for those who have them

d. personality disorders are emotional disorders

13. The five-factor model is a __________.

a. model of normal personality that includes an expanded description of the five basic personality dimensions

b. model that attempts to explain personality disorders by dividing them into five main categories

c. model that explains the causes of personality disorders by describing the five most important factors that lead to their development

d. five-step model for the treatment of personality disorders

14. Which of the following factors complicates the process of determining the causes of personality disorders?

a. The inability to gather information from the patients themselves, due to the prevalence of memory disorders among those with personality disorders

b. The availability of only prospective data

c. The wealth of biological data available

d. The high likelihood that an individual with one personality disorder will also have another

15. Which of the following is most typical of the interpersonal attitudes and behaviors of someone with histrionic personality disorder?

a. Vacillation between overidealization and bitter disappointment

b. Excessive trust and dependence on others’ opinions

c. Cruel and callous exploitation of others for personal gain

d. Repeated manipulation of others to gain attention

16. The histrionic seeks __________, while the narcissist needs __________.

a. attention; admiration

b. acceptance; admiration

c. admiration; attention

d. acceptance; approval

17. Avoidant personality disorder often coincides with the diagnosis of __________.

a. panic disorder

b. social anxiety disorder

c. insecure attachment

d. germ phobia

18. What core belief might explain the behavior of an individual with dependent personality disorder?

a. “I am helpless.”

b. “I don’t know who I am without you.”

c. “Unless I make people laugh, they will not like me.”

d. “Others exist to benefit me.”

19. Why does it make sense to view addiction as a mental disorder?

a. The symptoms reflect behaviors that involve the pathological need for a substance.

b. The most effective treatments are psychological.

c. Neurochemical imbalances underlie the problematic behaviors observed.

d. Substance abuse frequently develops in an attempt to self-medicate negative mood states.

20. At low levels, alcohol’s effect on the brain is __________; at higher levels, alcohol’s effect is __________.

a. to inhibit glutamate (an excitatory neurotransmitter); to release opiumlike endorphins

b. too minimal to have an impact; massive and excitatory

c. depressive; excitatory

d. to activate the brain’s “pleasure centers”; to depress brain functioning

21. Rates of alcoholism among Asian populations are __________ than among European peoples. This fact may be related to __________.

a. higher; genetic differences in the sensitivity of the MCLP

b. higher; genetic differences in the ability to metabolize alcohol

c. lower; religious differences in the acceptability of alcohol

d. lower; a mutant enzyme that leads to hypersensitive reactions to alcohol

22. Aversive conditioning therapy for alcoholics __________.

a. punishes the alcoholic for drinking by making them sick after drinking

b. uses educational and life-skills training to help the alcoholic understand the negative aspects of drinking

c. includes family members to try to help the alcoholic understand the harm their behaviors have done

d. involves pairing alcohol with something unpleasant, like electric shock

23. Bryce has been using marijuana daily for more than six years. If he stops using the drug, he might experience __________.

a. withdrawal-like symptoms such as nervousness and changes in sleeping and eating

b. a period of extreme depression and lethargy, but no physiological symptoms

c. a potentially lethal withdrawal phase

d. slowed reaction times, increased heart rate, and memory dysfunction

24. More positive outcomes have been reported when __________ for gambling disorder.

a. aversive therapy is part of the treatment

b. medication is employed as part of the treatment

c. group therapy is included in the treatment plan

d. family relationship problems are addressed in the treatment

25. One common predictor of low sexual desire in men is __________.

a. lack of a romantic partner

b. video game overuse

c. young children at home

d. daily alcohol use

26. Which of the following is a possible psychological cause of female sexual arousal disorder?

a. Antidepressant medication

b. Reduced level of testosterone

c. Early sexual trauma

d. Lower tactile sensitivity

27. What is a paraphilia?

a. An abnormal level of sexual desire and behavior, whether homosexual or heterosexual

b. An impairment in the desire for sexual gratification or a dysfunction in achieving it

c. A recurrent and distressing pattern of excluding all sexual behaviors except for masturbation

d. Persistent sexual behavior patterns in which unusual objects or situations are required for sexual satisfaction

28. The __________ enjoys inflicting pain, while the __________ desires pain and degradation.

a. masochist; sadist

b. voyeur; sadist

c. sadist; masochist

d. sadist; voyeur

29. Money and others have suggested that men are more vulnerable to paraphilias because __________.

a. they are more easily aroused than women

b. developing an attachment to an inanimate object is just a reflection of the male tendency to objectify women

c. lasting maternal conflicts leave men unable to develop healthy sexual relationships with women

d. sexual arousal in men is more visually based than sexual arousal of women

30. Males who have been raped __________.

a. show long-term psychological distress similar to that experienced by women

b. show less long-term psychological distress than women

c. show different long-term psychological symptoms than women

d. never report it

31. When Swiss psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler coined the term “schizophrenia,” the kind of split that he believed was central to the disorder was __________.

a. a division of personality within the person

b. a divergence between the person’s chronological age and their intellectual performance

c. an inability to make an intimate connection with other people

d. an inward break from reality

32. Neuroimaging studies of hallucinating patients indicate increased activity in __________, an area of the frontal lobe associated with speech production.

a. Wernicke’s area

b. the cerebellum

c. the hippocampus

d. Broca’s area

33. An individual diagnosed with schizophreniform disorder, often described as provisional schizophrenia, __________.

a. has a mild case of schizophrenia combined with signs of a mood disorder

b. usually exhibits symptoms of schizophrenia that last for at least a month but less than six months

c. is likely to take actions based on their delusions

d. experiences a schizophrenia-like psychosis that lasts for less than a month

34. Prana is showing some indication that she might be in the early stages of schizophrenia. Her doctor runs a battery of diagnostics, first checking areas of early stage symptoms in visual and auditory processing. What assessment outcome would be a strong indicator for schizophrenia?

a. Inability to track a moving target, such as a pendulum

b. Inability to detect high-pitched sounds

c. Inability to read a passage from a children’s fairy tale

d. Inability to replicate the sounds of simple auditory cues

35. Cognitive-behavioral treatment for people with schizophrenia tries to help them __________.

a. learn a trade, so they can earn a living

b. gain the skills they need for daily living

c. find the services they need in the community

d. question their delusions, to help reduce their intensity