Breast Cancer & Exertional Dyspnea Diseases Questions
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The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate the application of exercise principles in patients with chronic diseases.
For each of the patient scenarios below, discuss the implications of exercise prescription by addressing the following items:
Identify two positive effects of exercise related directly to the disease process. (2 pts)
Propose a basic exercise prescription based on the principles of: Frequency, Intensity, Duration, and Type of exercise. Provide a brief rationale for each parameter. (4 pts)
Describe any signs or symptoms that may indicate progression or regression of exercise parameters is needed. (2 pts)
Discuss the anticipated or expected long-term outcomes with respect to the disease process, functional capacity, and normal daily activity.(2 pts)
Scenario 1
Susan is a 58-year-old patient who recently concluded chemotherapy treatment following a diagnosis of breast cancer 7 months prior. She underwent a left mastectomy with no post-surgical complications. During her chemotherapy, she suffered several infections due to immunosuppression. Her blood counts are currently within normal ranges. She is referred to PT for strengthening and conditioning. She has participated in no physical activity in the past 4 months due to the effects of chemotherapy and feeling depressed. Her activity prior to diagnosis included gardening, walking 3 miles 3-4 times per week, and circuit weight training 2 times per week. POC includes manual therapy, ROM, balance training, therapeutic exercise including aerobic exercise and muscle strengthening 4x/wk for 4 wks.
Scenario 2
Bruce is an active 45-year-old patient being treated in your clinic for a meniscus injury due to a skiing accident. Bruce was just recently diagnosed with mild COPD. His lung function tests are in the low normal range, and he has experienced several bouts of bronchitis over the past year. He is currently healthy except for his knee injury. Bruce pursues many outdoor activities but does not participate in a regular exercise routine. He asks for recommendations for an exercise program.POC includes manual therapy, ROM, balance training, therapeutic exercise including aerobic exercise and muscle strengthening 3x/wk for 3 wks.