final millstone 4
Rubric Name: PSY 520 Milestone Three Rubric
Criteria Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident
Use of Qualtrics Question Types 25 points
N/A 25 points
Question types utilized are all appropriate to the item content 17.5 points
Most question types utilized are appropriate to the item content 0 points
Question types are not appropriate to the item content
Qualtrics Items 25 points
Spelling and grammar, word usage, and punctuation are impeccable. Items are professional and polished 22.5 points
No spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors; word usage may not be universal 17.5 points
Some errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and/or word usage 0 points
Errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and/or word usage interfere with understanding
Participant Notification 50 points
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and message is motivational. No grammar errors 45 points
Notification includes all components of a complete notification. No spelling errors. Message is clear and easy to understand. Step-by-step instructions are easy to follow 35 points
One element may be missing and/or there are minor spelling and grammar errors. Message needs rereading or clarification to understand 0 points
Poor composition to the point that the message is unclear and difficult to understand. Instructions are missing or difficult to follow
Overall Score Points earned out of 100
91 or more Points earned out of 100
71 or more Points earned out of 100
1 or more Points earned out of 100
0 or more
The overall submission earned 91 points or more. Final calculation of grades can be found in the gradebook. The overall submission earned 71 points or more. Final calculation of grades can be found in the gradebook. The overall submission earned 1 points or more. Final calculation of grades can be found in the gradebook. The overall submission earned 0 points or more. Final calculation of grades can be found in the gradebook.
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4-1 Final Project Milestone Three: Qualtrics Input and Participant NotificationTurnitin OriginalityCheck enabled
There are two distinct tasks for this assignment.
You will use the Qualtrics software to program the research materials (i.e., surveys) that you will give to participants. It is important to program your materials exactly how you want students to see them. Remember to register for your SNHU Qualtrics account by following the instructions on the Creating a Qualtrics Account website prior to beginning work on this milestone.
Be sure to incorporate the feedback that you received on your materials from your instructor on Milestone Two. Refer to the Qualtrics website and the instructional video for assistance. Please make sure to check the option to “Anonymize Responses” under Survey Options when creating your survey.
Compose an introductory message to your study participants, which you will use in the Collect Data From Participants task in this module. Refer to the Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric document for specific instructions.