SOCW 6510 Competency 5: Engage in Policy Practice (up to 10 hours)
Behavior: Identify social policy at the local, state, and federal level that impacts the well-being, service delivery, and access to social services. Assess how social welfare and economic policies impact the delivery of and access of social services. Apply critical thinking to analyze the impact policy has on practice.
For this assignment, you are to review government updates and initiatives that are connected to CoVID 19 and identify policies that may hinder or help the population at your agency (Homeless Youth 16-25 years old). You should get familiar with advocacy groups (your local NASW chapter and others) and understand their expressed concerns as well. You can speak with your agency supervisor via zoom, phone or skype to learn about what clients are facing as a result of the CoVID 19 situation. Then find a way to participate in advocating for policies and programs to address the needs of individuals. You should keep a record of what you watch, read, review, etc. and have a reference list of the sources from which you are learning. Then keep track of the time you spend in direct advocacy (writing letters, joining initiatives with advocacy groups, community work, and other policy work). Submit a full reference list of your sources and a detailed explanation of the advocacy work you engaged in.