College career counseling or higher education greatest need will be finding the path that will or are more suitable for their skill set and experience and will make them happy. To identify the needs of each student one on one consultation will be done through the assessment process. According to Brandt, (2003), “three counseling approaches are traditional one to one consultation with a professional counselor, small group experiences, and workshops, and programmed self – instruction procedures in which clients work under their direction through structured tasks from a professional staff”(p.495). Approaching the college students of this generation is quite different than the past. I believe they are taking the initiative and proactively doing what it takes to find the best match career for themselves.
The financial sacrifice and burden is serious business. Therefore there’s no time to waist. Gone are the days of just selecting a major for the sake of going to college. Utilizing time wisely. Selection of a worthwhile and meaningful career is beneficial to individuals currently and in the future. The gratification and experience of completing with a degree that makes you observe, and appreciate the changes that were made in completing this journey. Working in a peaceful and happy environment will be work productive and a stress-free workplace. The resources available such as the interest and the various array of test to help students identify what career is ideal for them, and will move things in the right direction. Students are also taking their time to find suitable careers by researching what their likes, dislikes, and what they should work towards achieving their goals. Counselors need to ensure the proper resources are in place, during assessment so with the necessary tools students will have all the need to make the best possible decision and career choice for themselves.
Niles, S.G. & Harris-Bowlsbey, J. (2017). Career development interventions (5th ed.).Upper
Saddle River, NJ Pearson
Brandt, J. D. (1977). Model for the delivery of career development programs by the college
counseling center. Journal Of Counseling Psychology, 24(6), 494-502. doi:10.1037/0022-
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