University of Phoenix Relationships and Addiction Questions
Answer questions below fully:
1. Discuss some of the stereotypical ways men and women are expected to respond to painful feelings, such as women who are “drama queens,” and men who are “tough guys.” Which one does society see as more favorable? Can men be drama queens and women be tough guys? Are there qualities of these stereotypes that are actually positive, such as the drama queen’s candid openness, and the tough guy’s resilience?
2. Talk about relapse. What would be the consequences of abusing substances again? What would be positives of using again? What would be the negatives?
3. Discuss stress and stress management. Identify stressors and talk about ways to cope with them. Discuss the consequences of failing to cope. Discuss the upside to stress, i.e. the positive role that some forms of stress can play in your life.
4. Discuss the nature of mistakes and imperfections—can you make mistakes and still be a good person? Can you know that you are imperfect and still feel proud of yourself? On a piece of paper, write three to six sentences that state, “I might be [something negative], but [something positive],” i.e., “I might lose my temper easily, but I am learning not to take it out on others.
5. Talk about mindfulness and the importance of living in the moment. How can staying present help in recovery? How getting caught up in what ifs, and things you can’t change, and things that may never happen, hurt recovery? How can you balance planning for the future with living in the moment?
6. What support systems do you have in your life? These can be people, activities, ways of thinking or anything at all that supports your continued recovery. How do you and other group members support each other? What else can you do to be open to giving and receiving support?
7. Talk about the importance of good nutrition. What are your healthy eating goals, if any, and how do you plan to meet them? What kind of relationship do you have with food? How can having a healthy relationship with food improve addiction recovery?
8. Talk about the importance of exercise and physical activity. What are your fitness goals, if any, and how do you plan to meet them? Do you get regular exercise? What are the benefits exercises can have for addiction recovery?
9. Talk about the importance of sleep. Do you get enough sleep? Do you get too much? Are there changes you need to make to improve in this area, and how should you go about it? Talk about the importance of good sleep hygiene (avoiding too much caffeine, avoiding screen time right before bed, getting up at the same time each day, etc.).
10. Draw or paint a picture of something in nature that has found a way to thrive in a harsh environment, such as a cactus in the desert, or tree roots bursting up from a sidewalk. Talk about your own resilience in the face of challenges, and how you might learn to be more resilient in the future.
11. Discuss self-care. Do you regularly do anything to care for yourself? What kinds of things can you start doing just to show yourself a little kindness? Why is it important to show ourselves kindness in this way?
12. Discuss being alone. Can you be alone and not be lonely? What makes you feel lonely? What balance do you need between time spent alone and time spent with others to be content? What can you do to maintain that balance in your life?