Tobacco Control Campaign


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Mass media tobacco control campaigns can reach large numbers of people. Much of the literature is focused on the effects of tobacco control advertising on young people. Still, there are also several evaluations of campaigns targeting adult smokers, which show mixed results. Campaigns may be local, regional, or national, and may be combined with other components of a comprehensive tobacco control policy.

There is evidence that comprehensive tobacco control programs, which include mass media campaigns, can be useful in changing smoking behavior in adults. Still, the evidence comes from a heterogeneous group of studies of variable methodological quality. One state‐wide tobacco control program (Massachusetts) showed positive results up to eight years after the campaign. Another (California) showed positive results during the period of adequate funding and implementation and in final evaluation since the beginning of the program. Six of nine studies carried out in communities or regions showed some positive effects on smoking behavior and at least one significant change in smoking prevalence (Sydney). The intensity and duration of mass media campaigns may influence effectiveness, but the length of follow‐up and contemporary secular trends and events can make this difficult to quantify. No consistent relationship was observed between campaign effectiveness and age, education, ethnicity, or gender (Bala et al, 2017).