Test Critique
In this assignment, you will be critiquing two psychological tests, a personality test and an intelligence test. You will be critiquing the following categories for each test: General Test Content, Technical Format, Test Strengths and Weaknesses, and Multicultural Applications of the test. You will need to submit a worksheet for each test. The length requirements are listed in each section. Each test critique will be the equivalent of 3-4 pages.
Your paper must also:
Be in APA format, including a title page and reference page.
Be proofread and contain few to no grammar errors, misspellings, or typographical errors.
Incorporate a minimum of three supportive scholarly citations and references to support content and conclusions.
Examples of Personality Tests:
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory- 2nd edition
Millon Clinical Mulitaxial Inventory- 3rd edition
NEO Personality Inventory
Personality Assessment Inventory
California Psychological Inventory
16 Personality Factors
Thematic Apperception Test
Rorschach Inkblot Test
Examples of Intelligence Tests:
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – 4th Ed
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale- Revised
Test of Nonverbal Intelligence
Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale
Potential resources include, but are not limited to:
Test Materials (test manual, test booklets, etc.)* Online databases (such as the ETS Test Collection database at http://www.ets.org/testcoll/) Mental Measurements Yearbook Test Critiques Tests in Print
Findings of reliability and validity studies published in scholarly journals. Journals include: Applied Psychological Measurement Educational and Psychological Measurement Journal of Applied Psychology Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology Journal of Educational Psychology Journal of Personality Assessment Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment Journal of School Psychology Personnel Psychology Psychological Assessment