Teaching Strategies in Nursing Education

Class Name-Teaching Strategies in Nursing Education

FYI-Required Resources:

· Bastable, S. B. (2019). Nurse as educator: Principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett. ISBN: 978-1284127201. Read Chapter 3.

· Bradshaw, M. J., Hultquist, B. L., & Hagler, D. (2019). Innovative teaching strategies in nursing and related health professions (8th ed.). Jones & Bartlett. ISBN: 978-1284204728. Read Chapter 1.

Discussion question:

Identify a behavior in the healthcare setting that you would like to change that involves extinguishing an undesirable behavior and replacing it with a healthier behavior (e.g., getting cardiac patients to reduce their high-fat diet and eat healthier foods; getting patients with low back pain to minimize their pain and become more independent in their activities). Describe how the behavior could be changed using the principles of a particular learning theory. Then describe how the same behavior could be changed using a different theory. Depending on the behavior to be changed and replaced, you might also discuss why one plan might work better for men than women, or for younger people than older people.



















Required Resources:





Bastable, S. B. (2019).


Nurse as educator: Principles of teaching and

learning for nursing practice


(5th ed.). Jones &


Bartlett. ISBN: 978

1284127201. Read Chapter 3.




Bradshaw, M. J., Hultquist, B. L., & Hagler, D. (2019).


Innovative teaching

strategies in nursing and related health professions


(8th ed.). Jones &

Bartlett. ISBN: 978

1284204728. Read Chapter 1.



ion question:


Identify a behavior in the healthcare setting that you would like to change

that involves extinguishing an undesirable behavior and replacing it with a

healthier behavior (e.g., getting cardiac patients to reduce their high

fat diet

and eat healthier foods

; getting patients with low back pain to minimize their

pain and become more independent in their activities). Describe how the

behavior could be changed using the principles of a particular learning

theory. Then describe how the same behavior could be cha

nged using a

different theory. Depending on the behavior to be changed and replaced,

you might also discuss why one plan might work better for men than women,

or for younger people than older people.



Class Name-Teaching Strategies in Nursing Education

FYI-Required Resources:

 Bastable, S. B. (2019). Nurse as educator: Principles of teaching and

learning for nursing practice (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett. ISBN: 978-

1284127201. Read Chapter 3.

 Bradshaw, M. J., Hultquist, B. L., & Hagler, D. (2019). Innovative teaching

strategies in nursing and related health professions (8th ed.). Jones &

Bartlett. ISBN: 978-1284204728. Read Chapter 1.

Discussion question:

Identify a behavior in the healthcare setting that you would like to change

that involves extinguishing an undesirable behavior and replacing it with a

healthier behavior (e.g., getting cardiac patients to reduce their high-fat diet

and eat healthier foods; getting patients with low back pain to minimize their

pain and become more independent in their activities). Describe how the

behavior could be changed using the principles of a particular learning

theory. Then describe how the same behavior could be changed using a

different theory. Depending on the behavior to be changed and replaced,

you might also discuss why one plan might work better for men than women,

or for younger people than older people.