Self Assessment
Self Assessment
Minimum – 3 typewritten pages
Maximum – 6 typewritten pages
To include all of the following:
a. What brought you into nursing? I wanted to do something in my career that is challenging, interesting, and makes a difference in people’s lives daily. In the nursing profession, you deal with many aspects of patient care, and I enjoy the variety in the routine.
b. Personal and professional growth profile since beginning the nursing program.
I started from the bottom up, I was a HHA about 20 years ago but then went in the customer care field but always had that desire of becoming a nurse. I never went to college until I was 38 years old which was scary. I remember failing my first test three weeks into the program and I wanted to quit, I thought I was too old for this. But the determination was bigger than me failing that test and I now look back and don’t know how I have come this far. I then at 38 first became a Medical Assistant then went for my LPN.
Thought I would stop there since I was already in my 40’s but pushed myself to continue for my RN even though I had just become a mother of twins at 43 and now have 6 kids. The determination I had was unstoppable and I now want to go for my BSN which I know will open even further doors for opportunity for me. I want to stay current in nursing practice as it is a key component of professional development.
strengths and weaknesses
c. Assessments of your strengths and weaknesses, your assets; what specifically do you bring to a nursing position? ( Strengths: Caring, Empathy, Communication, attention to detail, problem solving. Weaknesses -I don’t like to delegate so I need to learn to be ok with that and that people really want to help me. Another weakness of mine is I don’t know how to say no and then get overwhelmed trying to please everyone. Assets: Autonomy, human dignity, integrity and honesty.
d. Projection of professional goals for next five years and your plans to achieve these goals. (I plan to go for my BSN right after graduating this program.)
e. Futuristic Planning: (Go for my BSN and get experience in Med Surg until I decide what specialty I want to go for)
Where do you see yourself in nursing in the year 2026? How do you plan to achieve these goals? (I see myself with my BSN working in a big hospital in Houston Texas and eventually becoming a Travel Nurse)
f. How do you perceive yourself as a change agent influencing health care delivery in your community? (My change agent influencing would be to use my Spanish in my community to be able to have Spanish speaking patients feel more comfortable about the care they are getting. Have them be able to express their needs and feel like they are getting the most out of it and not losing anything in the interpretation.)
g. American Heart Association Website: Visit this site re: Click on Getting Health Banner.
**COMMENT ON: PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, NUTRITION and STRESS REDUCTION. What plans do you have related to these areas? You may use above website if you need………
IMPORTANT ***20% will be graded based upon this assignment, not on the substance of your self assessment, but ease of reading and ability to write your self-assessment***