psychology question 6

1 What are some of the vulnerable populations we may see as clinicians?  How can one ensure that an informed consent is not coerced from vulnerable populations? What safeguards should be in place to ensure that the consent is truly voluntary? What difficulties do you anticipate encountering in regards to these vulnerable clients and what actions will you take?



2. Why is the selection of culturally neutral assessment tools so critical to the ethical practice of psychology?  What can potential harm result if assessment materials are culture-bound? What potential limitations do you foresee encountering with culturally neutral assessment tools?



3. With so much information available online, what does the APA offer as guidelines regarding informed consent and the Internet?  What ‘social network’ contact do you feel would be appropriate with clients and why?



4. According to the APA Ethics Code, what conditions would justify termination of therapy? Do you agree with the prohibitions? Why or why not?  What steps would you need to take to assist the client with the termination?



5. There are many things that we have assumptions about.  Becoming a professional means we need to challenge those assumptions and educate yourself to best treat our clients.  What are your thoughts about these?



6. This past year there was a big uproar as Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia (now deceased) indicated that African Americans were being set up for failure if sent to a highly prestigious school and should be sent to an ‘easier’ school where they could be successful.  Many people took this to mean that the speaker felt African Americans were less intelligent overall.   What is your view on this type of stereotype. See the attached link.


7. What do you think about this issue?  What is the impact of nature vs nurture?  How, as a psychologist, can you address such stereotyping as still keeps raising its ugly head? See the Attached article on intelligence and culture for your review











8.Using family or friends as an interpreter can have its drawbacks.  What if the family member tries to protect the client so does not give you all the information?  What if they do not understand medical terms so they mistranslate?  There is an article that addresses the need to utilize medical interpreters in our work rather than family or friends.  AT&T (phone company) here in California has a translation service for any culture.  Also, there are companies that certify interpreters so that the translation can hold up in court.  See attached article


9.As is noted in one of your readings for the week, psychological tests are often culturally aimed at the Western population.  What specifically can we do to try and mitigate the issues found, and how can we protect the client from improper use of tests that are not within their cultural awareness?















