Personal Theory Improvement


Use the Conceptual – Theoretical – Empirical Model (CTE) to link the operational definitions with the empirical indicators with the theoretical concepts and the conceptual model components.  Post your revised theory and explain how you would measure the concepts and proposition in a research study.

  • Length: A minimum of 150 words per post, not including references
  • Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA per post from within the last 5 years

Conceptual, theoretical, and empirical models work together to determine the links factors such as social, external, internal, and botanical knowledge-based to determine the cause of individual health outcomes (Hall et al., 2015). For this discussion post, I will revise my theory of the previous week and explain how the concepts and proposition in research are measured. I will also link the models such as conceptual, theoretical, and empirical (CTE) components.

In week two, I discussed the theory of chronic heart failure (CHF) and the use of angiotensin-2 receptor blockers (ARBs) and the increase expectancy of life. Jean Watson’s philosophy on the conceptual framework in nursing is the science of caring. Watson’s focus includes treatment as a human being, the environment or society around and the perception and delivery of proper nursing care (Hall et al., 2015). As a nurse a priority goal is respecting the patient, treating them with dignity, and providing a healthy environment and delivery of knowledge in the way the patient can understand.

Connecting the models to deliver a concise proposition of care would include the theoretical concepts. In the second week, (Concept A) Medication compliance, including identifying patients who are least likely to comply. (Concept B), after identifying the patient that is least likely to comply, providing knowledge and education on the importance of compliance and help with barriers. Knowing the barriers and pinpointing the social determinants of health can reduce risk factors of non-compliance.

 Empirical theory in a nursing realm includes measures such as fact based or evidence-based approaches (Wenner & Campbell, 2016). (Concept A) medication compliance, (Concept B) providing education and identifying barriers of medication adherence. Proposition include implementing fact-based research to care for the patient such as proper assessment, identification, and education. Concepts measured based on patient understanding, medication compliance (is the patient filling and picking up the medication on time). Is the patient’s laboratory report within the normal range? These results measure quantitative and qualitative outcomes.


Wenner, J. A., & Campbell, T. (2016). The Theoretical and Empirical Basis of Teacher Leadership. Review of Educational Research, 87(1), 134–171.

Hall, A. T., Frink, D. D., & Buckley, M. R. (2015). An accountability account: A review and synthesis of the theoretical and empirical research on felt accountability. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38(2), 204–224.


Personal Theory Improvement

 Conceptual – Theoretical – Empirical Model (CTE) to link the operational definitions with the empirical indicators with the theoretical concepts and the conceptual model components.  

  • Length: A minimum of 150 words per post, not including references
  • Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA per post from within the last 5 years


Conceptual, theoretical, and empirical models work together to determine the links factors such as social, external, internal, and botanical knowledge-based to determine the cause of individual health outcomes (Hall et al., 2015). For this discussion post, I will revise my theory of the previous week and explain how the concepts and proposition in research are measured. I will also link the models such as conceptual, theoretical, and empirical (CTE) components.

In week two, I discussed the theory of chronic heart failure (CHF) and the use of angiotensin-2 receptor blockers (ARBs) and the increase expectancy of life. Jean Watson’s philosophy on the conceptual framework in nursing is the science of caring. Watson’s focus includes treatment as a human being, the environment or society around and the perception and delivery of proper nursing care (Hall et al., 2015). As a nurse a priority goal is respecting the patient, treating them with dignity, and providing a healthy environment and delivery of knowledge in the way the patient can understand.

Connecting the models to deliver a concise proposition of care would include the theoretical concepts. In the second week, (Concept A) Medication compliance, including identifying patients who are least likely to comply. (Concept B), after identifying the patient that is least likely to comply, providing knowledge and education on the importance of compliance and help with barriers. Knowing the barriers and pinpointing the social determinants of health can reduce risk factors of non-compliance.

 Empirical theory in a nursing realm includes measures such as fact based or evidence-based approaches (Wenner & Campbell, 2016). (Concept A) medication compliance, (Concept B) providing education and identifying barriers of medication adherence. Proposition include implementing fact-based research to care for the patient such as proper assessment, identification, and education. Concepts measured based on patient understanding, medication compliance (is the patient filling and picking up the medication on time). Is the patient’s laboratory report within the normal range? These results measure quantitative and qualitative outcomes.


Wenner, J. A., & Campbell, T. (2016). The Theoretical and Empirical Basis of Teacher Leadership. Review of Educational Research, 87(1), 134–171.

Hall, A. T., Frink, D. D., & Buckley, M. R. (2015). An accountability account: A review and synthesis of the theoretical and empirical research on felt accountability. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38(2), 204–224.


Personal Theory Improvement

 Conceptual – Theoretical – Empirical Model (CTE) to link the operational definitions with the empirical indicators with the theoretical concepts and the conceptual model components.  

  • Length: A minimum of 150 words per post, not including references
  • Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA per post from within the last 5 years


The acronym CTE stands for conceptual, theoretical and empirical framework, which are significant components “to articulate nursing’s voice within a particular context so that the activities nurses do and why they do these activities can be known by others, and that the contributions made by these nurses will clearly advance the distinctive nursing knowledge needed for the highest possible quality of care of individuals, families and other groups, and communities who certainly deserve enhancement of the quality of their existence” (Fawcett, 2016). My theory in week 2 stated: proper assessment and education (concept A) increases (proposition) a better understanding for the patient regarding their interest in the procedure. Depending on what the patient desires and their expectations of how it would look after the procedure is done, as the provider performing the procedure, communicating, being honest and transparent, and educating the patient if they are a good candidate is important to provide the best results for the patient. “It is proposed that aesthetic techniques in nursing practice and education bring forth unique patterns of understanding that defy conventional communication and nursing therapeutic techniques; the corporation of aesthetic knowing into nursing education fosters caring, compassion, and fluidity in practice” (Koithan).

            Using the CTE model, when measuring data for this theory, the provider can potentially study how patients are when procedures are being explained to them thoroughly versus when the provider does not explain or educate patients regarding the procedures they are interested in. If procedures are explained thoroughly and the results are what the patient expects it to be, the patient will be satisfied. However, if procedures are not explained and patient is unhappy with the results due to not meeting the expectations they have, patients will not be happy and will feel blind-sided about the procedure.  The more knowledge, education, and effective communication the provider provides the patient, patients will have a better understanding of what to expect and will lead to positive treatment outcomes.


Fawcett, J. (2016, November 1). Applying conceptual models of Nursing. Using Conceptual Models to Guide Practical Nursing Activities | Springer Publishing. Retrieved December 16, 2021, from

Koithan, M. S. (n.d.). Aesthetics in nursing practice and education. Issues in mental health nursing. Retrieved November 27, 2021, from
