
I am looking for help with a nursing paper for pathophysiology

A simple 4 page paper

I have attached the grading criteria with the required formatting

Topic is Obesity

So would include risk factors, BMI, treatment, differences for men and women, diet, life style, how sleep/stress and exercise would influence this, and any other related issues


Writing Style

All papers are to be type written, double spaced, with pages numbered. Please write course name and number, your name, and date clearly on materials submitted. Use American Psychological Association (APA) style 6th edition including paper format and references. Points may be deducted for multiple spelling, grammar, format and typing errors.

Protection by Copyright

1. Reports, and essays submitted for assessment must be your own work, no plagiarism

2. Use of quotations or data from the work of others is entirely acceptable, and is often very valuable provided that the source of the quotation or data is given. Failure to provide a source or put quotation marks around material that is taken from elsewhere gives the appearance that the comments are ostensibly your own. When quoting word-for-word from the work of another person quotation marks or indenting (setting the quotation in from the margin) must be used and the source of the quoted material must be acknowledged.

3. Sources of quotations used should be listed in full in a bibliography at the end of your piece of work.

Students are expected to submit their Written Report relevant to the topic and content area. Students will be graded on their report by the Course Faculty using Rubric for Assessing Written Assignments