microbiome and your health

microbiome and your health

Assignments for this module include…

1.  View provided TedTalk videos.

–  After viewing the first 3 videos please respond to the one that resonates with you the best and discuss why and how it relates to health and wellness: An unexpected place of healing, the brain and the concept of neuroplasticity, your microbiome and your health. 

– video links: https://youtu.be/CTEhgUmSrro

2.  Review power point entitled “Survey of Alternative Practices” and provided links on Alternative Practices.

– Powerpoint: attached below

– Links: https://www.yogaalliance.org/




3.  Assigned reading, “What is Reiki?”. (attached below)

4.  Complete Module 2 Discussion.

–  After viewing and reading the required material for Module 2, please discuss the following:

a.) Choose a video from the first section that you believe is important to your concept of health and wellness and discuss how this is so.

b.) Please reflect on how wellness practices- meaning {Complementary and Alternative Medicine}- might become a larger part of American life.  How might this improve health and wellness in our families and communities?

5. Reply to at least 1 peer post by sunday.