Leadership and Management

Assignment: Personal Leadership Philosophies


Many of us can think of leaders we have come to admire, be they historical figures, pillars of the industry we work in, or leaders we know personally. The leadership of individuals such as Abraham Lincoln and Margaret Thatcher has been studied and discussed repeatedly. However, you may have interacted with leaders you feel demonstrated equally competent leadership without ever having a book written about their approaches.

What makes great leaders great? Every leader is different, of course, but one area of commonality is the leadership philosophy that great leaders develop and practice. A leadership philosophy is basically an attitude held by leaders that acts as a guiding principle for their behavior. While formal theories on leadership continue to evolve over time, great leaders seem to adhere to an overarching philosophy that steers their actions.

What is your leadership philosophy? In this Assignment, you will explore what guides your own leadership.

To Prepare:

  • Identify two to three scholarly resources, in addition to this Module’s readings, that evaluate the impact of leadership behaviors in creating healthy work environments.
  • Reflect on the leadership behaviors presented in the three resources that you selected for review.
  • Reflect on your results of the CliftonStrengths Assessment, and consider how the results relate to your leadership traits.
  • Download your Signature Theme Report to submit for this Assignment.

The Assignment (2-3 pages):

Personal Leadership Philosophies

Develop and submit a personal leadership philosophy that reflects what you think are characteristics of a good leader. Use the scholarly resources on leadership you selected to support your philosophy statement. Your personal leadership philosophy should include the following:

  • A description of your core values.
  • A personal mission/vision statement.
  • An analysis of your CliftonStrengths Assessment summarizing the results of your profile
  • A description of two key behaviors that you wish to strengthen.
  • A development plan that explains how you plan to improve upon the two key behaviors you selected and an explanation of how you plan to achieve your personal vision. Be specific and provide examples.
  • Be sure to incorporate your colleagues’ feedback on your CliftonStrengths Assessment from this Module’s Discussion 2.

Leadership and Management

Assignment: Developing Organizational Policies and Practices


Competing needs arise within any organization as employees seek to meet their targets and leaders seek to meet company goals. As a leader, successful management of these goals requires establishing priorities and allocating resources accordingly.

Within a healthcare setting, the needs of the workforce, resources, and patients are often in conflict. Mandatory overtime, implementation of staffing ratios, use of unlicensed assisting personnel, and employer reductions of education benefits are examples of practices that might lead to conflicting needs in practice.

Leaders can contribute to both the problem and the solution through policies, action, and inaction. In this Assignment, you will further develop the white paper you began work on in Module 1 by addressing competing needs within your organization.

To Prepare:

  • Review the national healthcare issue/stressor you examined in your Assignment for Module 1, and review the analysis of the healthcare issue/stressor you selected.
  • Identify and review two evidence-based scholarly resources that focus on proposed policies/practices to apply to your selected healthcare issue/stressor.
  • Reflect on the feedback you received from your colleagues on your Discussion post regarding competing needs.

The Assignment (4-5 pages):

Developing Organizational Policies and Practices

Add a section to the paper you submitted in Module 1. The new section should address the following:

  • Identify and describe at least two competing needs impacting your selected healthcare issue/stressor.
  • Describe a relevant policy or practice in your organization that may influence your selected healthcare issue/stressor.
  • Critique the policy for ethical considerations, and explain the policy’s strengths and challenges in promoting ethics.
  • Recommend one or more policy or practice changes designed to balance the competing needs of resources, workers, and patients, while addressing any ethical shortcomings of the existing policies. Be specific and provide examples.
  • Cite evidence that informs the healthcare issue/stressor and/or the policies, and provide two scholarly resources in support of your policy or practice recommendations.
  • Due to the nature of this assignment, your instructor may require more than 7 days to provide you with quality feedback.

Leadership and Management

Assignment: Developing Organizational Policies and Practices


Competing needs arise within any organization as employees seek to meet their targets and leaders seek to meet company goals. As a leader, successful management of these goals requires establishing priorities and allocating resources accordingly.

Within a healthcare setting, the needs of the workforce, resources, and patients are often in conflict. Mandatory overtime, implementation of staffing ratios, use of unlicensed assisting personnel, and employer reductions of education benefits are examples of practices that might lead to conflicting needs in practice.

Leaders can contribute to both the problem and the solution through policies, action, and inaction. In this Assignment, you will further develop the white paper you began work on in Module 1 by addressing competing needs within your organization.

To Prepare:

  • Review the national healthcare issue/stressor you examined in your Assignment for Module 1, and review the analysis of the healthcare issue/stressor you selected.
  • Identify and review two evidence-based scholarly resources that focus on proposed policies/practices to apply to your selected healthcare issue/stressor.
  • Reflect on the feedback you received from your colleagues on your Discussion post regarding competing needs.

The Assignment (4-5 pages):

Developing Organizational Policies and Practices

Add a section to the paper you submitted in Module 1. The new section should address the following:

  • Identify and describe at least two competing needs impacting your selected healthcare issue/stressor.
  • Describe a relevant policy or practice in your organization that may influence your selected healthcare issue/stressor.
  • Critique the policy for ethical considerations, and explain the policy’s strengths and challenges in promoting ethics.
  • Recommend one or more policy or practice changes designed to balance the competing needs of resources, workers, and patients, while addressing any ethical shortcomings of the existing policies. Be specific and provide examples.
  • Cite evidence that informs the healthcare issue/stressor and/or the policies, and provide two scholarly resources in support of your policy or practice recommendations.
  • Due to the nature of this assignment, your instructor may require more than 7 days to provide you with quality feedback.

Leadership and Management

The Assignment (3-4 Pages):

Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare Issue

Develop a 3- to 4-page paper, written to your organization’s leadership team, addressing your selected national healthcare issue/stressor and how it is impacting your work setting. Be sure to address the following:

  • Describe the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected and its impact on your organization. Use organizational data to quantify the impact (if necessary, seek assistance from leadership or appropriate stakeholders in your organization).
  • Provide a brief summary of the two articles you reviewed from outside resources on the national healthcare issue/stressor. Explain how the healthcare issue/stressor is being addressed in other organizations.
  • Summarize the strategies used to address the organizational impact of national healthcare issues/stressors presented in the scholarly resources you selected. Explain how they may impact your organization both positively and negatively. Be specific and provide examples.



Healthcare Issues/Stressors


            As the population is rising in chronic care management needs, it is essential to have adequate healthcare workers that are readily accessible to meet the increased demand. To improve quality and reduce inequities, it is critical that healthcare organizations make conscientious efforts to maintain sufficient staffing to prevent burnouts and retain their healthcare employees. According to the World Health Organization, there will be a demand for an additional 40 million healthcare essential workers by 2030. This is due to the increase in the average life expectancy and the rising trend of lifestyle diseases across the world. Also, the uses of national surveys based on demographics have further confirmed the increase demand.


Impacts of the shortage of workers on healthcare organization are a significant issue that needs to be addressed or it will severely damage our healthcare system. Some direct adverse affects are as followed: high staff turnovers, lack of job satisfaction, feelings of inadequacy, and burnouts. All are factors, which contribute to shortage. Many registered nurses believe the nursing shortage presents major problems for the quality of their work life, the quality of patient care and the amount of individual time nurses can spend with patients. This is also a catalyst for increased stress. Looking to the future, these stressors will lead to the decrease in patient care quality and cause nurses to leave the profession.


To elevate this rising issue, Healthcare organizations should look to transforming the work environment of nurses. The shortage of hospital nurses are linked to unrealistic nurse workloads. As reported by the World health Organization (WHO), Nursing Now and the International Council of Nurses (ICN) (2020) to meet the increased demand, it is recommended an 8% increase in the number of nursing graduates each year up to 2030 as well as expansion of advanced nurse practice and nurse-led units, and more nursing positions funded globally and strong retention measures. By addressing problems in management practices, employee staffing, high patient-to-nurse ratios, work and workspace design will decrease the odds of job dissatisfaction. Creating an incentivizing program for healthcare workers may also have positive outcomes to the issue.  




Global shortfall of 5.9 million nurses. (2020). World of Irish Nursing & Midwifery, 28(4), 12.


Merga, H and Fufa, T. 2019. Impacts of Working Environment and Benefits Packages on the Health Professionals’ Job Satisfaction in Selected Public Health Facilities in Eastern Ethiopia: Using Principal Component Analysis.” BMC Health Services Research 19 (1): 494. doi:10.1186/s12913-019-4317-5.


World Health Organization appeals for investment in the strengthening of the global health workforce to accomplish financial growth. (2017). Annals of Tropical Medicine & Public Health, 10(6), 1411–1412. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.4103/1755-6783.222692




leadership and management

leadership and management

Describe the difference in roles between leadership and management. Explain how the goals of management and leadership overlap and provide one example. As a nurse leader, describe how you can facilitate change by taking advantage of this overlap.