key responsibilities of the nurse educator
key responsibilities of the nurse educator
Discussion Question:
Student assessment and evaluation are key responsibilities of the nurse educator. These processes provide students information for the student to improve and enhance performance. Evaluation of the student is often conducted at the end of a course, as an afterthought, and some consider this to be a less than ideal time for this to occur. Do you agree or disagree with that statement? Support your response from the textbook or scholarly literature.
Discussion Question:
Student assessment and evaluation are key responsibilities of the nurse
educator. These processes provide students information for the student to
improve and enhance performance. Evaluation of the student is often
conducted at the end of a course, as an af
terthought, and some consider this
to be a less than ideal time for this to occur. Do you agree or disagree with
that statement? Support your response from the textbook or scholarly
Discussion Question:
Student assessment and evaluation are key responsibilities of the nurse
educator. These processes provide students information for the student to
improve and enhance performance. Evaluation of the student is often
conducted at the end of a course, as an afterthought, and some consider this
to be a less than ideal time for this to occur. Do you agree or disagree with
that statement? Support your response from the textbook or scholarly