Intro to Sociology Topic 5
Topic 5: Conformity, Deviance, Crime, and Stratification Objectives:
After completing this chapter you will be able to:Learn how we define deviance and how it is related to power and social class.Recognize the usefulness and limitations of crime statistics.Familiarize yourself with several types of crime.Understand that some individuals and groups are more inclined to commit criminal acts.Learn about social stratification and the importance of social background.Know the class differences in the U.S.Learn about the conditions of poverty.Learn the process by which people become marginalized.Learn how changes in the U.S. economy have resulted in growing inequalities Materials:
Read: Chapters 7 and 8 Assignments:
Wealth Gap
How do Oliver and Shapiro explain the persistence of the “wealth gap” between whites and African Americans? Do you agree with their explanation? What other factors may help explain this reality?
Your response should be between 150 and 250 words. Include in your response a reference to material from the text and material from one additional outside source. Remember to follow APA guidelines. This assignment is worth 10 points.