IHI Assignment #1

QI 101: Introduction to Health Care Improvement 

Link: http://app.ihi.org/lmsspa/#/6cb1c614-884b-43ef-9abd-d90849f183d4/60967fa6-4642-4f33-9ec2-60083d52d0feLinks to an external site.

Lesson 1 – Health & Health Care Today

  1. Describe how the rapid evolution of medical science and technology is changing health care
  2. Describe common challenges for health care systems around the world
  3. List examples of the need for improvement in health care in regard to quality and access

Lesson 2 – The IOM’s Aim for Improvement

  1. List the six dimensions of health care outlined by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in 2001, which should be the focus of improvement efforts
  2. Give specific examples of how organizations have overcome significant quality challenges related to one or more of the IOM aims
  3. Conduct your own research on the quality and safety of a local hospital or health care system

Lesson 3 – Changing Systems with the Science of Improvement

  1. Explain how “pure” and “applied science” differ and the challenges of applied science as they relate to health care
  2. Describe the contributions to improvement science of W. Edwards Deming and Walter Shewhart
  3. List the four components of Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge
  4. Apply the “lens of profound knowledge” to improve a system