Becoming a Servant Leader

Dicussion #1 zBecoming a Servant Leader

Describe a recent “situation” at your Clinical Practicum site. Please describe it clearly, while maintaining confidentiality for the site, preceptor, staff and patients.

  1. How did your Preceptor handle the situation? Please consider, was the Administrative Leadership involved in the resolution of the situation or was it something the Preceptor was able to resolve his or herself? Why or why not. Please elaborate as you consider Leadership styles and theories.
  2. What are the policies at the clinical site in regards to this “situation”? Were those policies maintained? Why or why not?
  3. As you are becoming a Servant Nurse Leader, how would you have handled it in a practical way for improving the healthcare outcomes for this “situation” integrating the Holy Bible and evidence based practice (from your textbook, journals and/or articles). Please convey it realistically as consider the “situation”, challenges, your own personal strengths and weaknesses and those you may be serving as a leader in this situation.


My preceptor work at a LTACH as a diector of quality manager 



Student clearly identified thesituation in a professional, clear,concise and non-judgmental tone.Meets Expectations1 points, Approaching  

Expectations 0.75 points, Beginning to Meet, Expectations0.5 points, Incomplete0 points, Questions were carefully addressed, researched andanalyzed.


Meets Expectations1 points, Approaching Expectations0.75 points , Beginning to Meet Expectations0.5 points , Incomplete0 points, 

Student demonstrated knowledgein the topic as evidenced by integrating the Holy bible, journals,articles and/or their textbook.


Meets Expectations1 points, Approaching Expectations0.75 points, Beginning toMeet Expectations0.5 points, Incomplete 0 points, Student responded to two peers with substantive details in a well,developed manner.Student did not just respond with“good job”. However, student provides encouragement, while adding a thought provoking critical thinking dialogue.

MeetsExpectations1 points, Approaching Expectations0.75 points, Beginning to Meet Expectations0.5 points, Incomplete 0 points, Student demonstrates scholarly application as evidenced by integrating APA (2019), 7th editionformat and correct grammar.

Meets Expectations1 points, Approaching Expectations 0.75 points, Beginning to Meet Expectations 0.5 points, Incomplete0 points